What is your starsign?


Well-known member
Shonen_Yo said:
Chrysta said:
Aries. Probably the one and only...haha.

Aries here, too. Want to ram our heads together for all the females?

Hehe... sure... beware I'm vicious!

SocialRetahd said:
Horoscopes are dumb because they are so general and usually contradicting.

There is a huge difference between stupid horoscopes and actual astrology. Astrology takes the place of birth, date and exact time of birth and the positons of the planets to map out who you are... and are normally extremely acurate. Horoscopes are just a generalization for what people may be like who were born in that month.


Well-known member
nerdgirl178 said:
I am a Scorpio :wink:
I am a water sign so I am sensitive and kind of intense.

i'm scorpio!! is it really a water sign? i thought cause it was to do with mars and pluto, it was all powerful and fire-like.... i dunno,

seems theres no link in this astrology stuff though, would have been cool if everyone turned out the same :D


Well-known member
I'm a gemini which means I'm supposed to be some witty conversationalist. :lol: It makes no sense considering what site I'm posting this on.......that's why I put no stock in horoscopes.


Active member
virgo here. aparently my ruling planet is mercury :) My personality does actually match a lot of the virgo traits: shy, modest, perfectionist, creative, worrier.
Also i was just researching a bit about it and one of the possible health concerns for virgos is nervous instabilities


Well-known member
of_darkness said:
nerdgirl178 said:
I am a Scorpio :wink:
I am a water sign so I am sensitive and kind of intense.

i'm scorpio!! is it really a water sign? i thought cause it was to do with mars and pluto, it was all powerful and fire-like.... i dunno,

seems theres no link in this astrology stuff though, would have been cool if everyone turned out the same :D

Yes Scorpio is a water sign. We are most 'sensitive' sign with Picese & Cancer. :wink:


Well-known member
I m scorpio (virgo subsign) . They said it is the very bad combo. I say , that i dont believe zodiac.


Well-known member
peachface said:
My moon sign is Pisces you can find out yours from your birthchart at www.0800-horoscope.com on the left hand column it will say free astrology click on birthchart. This is completely free to do and you can also find out a brief description on your moon sign and starsign i was shocked when i read this bit about pisces moonsign-- --- Women with Pisces moon are prone to developing anxiety complexes. They are also apt to be psychic with a gift for healing. Their emotional nature is well-suited for the comfort of a domestic life, though they may be unwilling or unable to efficiently manage the household. Men with Pisces moon are vulnerable to being victimized in their personal life, while at the same time, having great strength and wisdom to able handle the affairs of others. Im wondering how many more of us have pisces in our birthcharts! i dont believe in the weekly horoscopes but i definatly believe the starsign character profiles.
Hey that's uncanny. I know someone with pisces as a moon sign, and the male moon in pisces fits him to a T


Well-known member
Pisces, shy, dreamy, creative apparently. Not that I believe in all that. :)

I am Pisces too. Although everyone's an individual and might not match their sign as far as they can see, I think generally there's quite a lot of truth to them. There is in my case.
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Well-known member
I'm a Leo.

YEAH!!! Me too! I think I need some courage....

Courage! What makes a King out of a slave?
Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave?
Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk, in the misty mist or the dusky dusk?
What makes the muskrat guard his musk?
Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder?
Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder?
Courage! What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot?
What have they got that I ain't got?


Well-known member
I'm an Aries and my Rising sign is Cancer

Rising sign is supposed to reflect your true personality
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Active member
Aquarius, and it's all alot of nonsense. It's just for con artists to make money out of the gullible. Certain people in society play on peoples fears to make money. They're pretty damn good at it.