What is your favorite video game?


Mass effect 3 has finally been released - I dont have the money to buy it, but at least its closer to my grasp. I love all of biowares titles.... immersive story, characters, gameplay - truly a work of art.

Knights of the old republic 1 and 2
Jade empire
Baldurs gate
Neverwinter knights


Well-known member
2. Half life series
I liked the first Half-Life, but weirdly the second one didn't really grasp me. I have never finished it.

6. Alien vs predator series
The second one here was the best. I didn't like the Alien missions but the Predator and Human missions were the best. Still haven't played the newest one, either.

16. doom series
Best FPS series in existence, I reckon, alongside the old Heretic and Hexen games, too. I loved Final Doom, especially the Plutonia levels because they were really challenging and perfect for me. Doom 3 mixed it up a bit but I have still completed the game at least 8 times (despite the very lackluster ending).

18. duke nukem 3d
Pixellated strippers. :D

The Lost

Well-known member
GTA IV, The Lost and Damned, San Andreas
Red Dead Redemption
Dino Crisis 2
Saints Row: The Third
The Sims 3
Brutal Legend
Driver 2
inFamous 2, 'Festival of Blood
True Crime: Streets of L.A., NYC
Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 3 + 6
Soul Calibur III, IV


Well-known member
Final Fantasy VIII
Chrono Trigger
Resident Evil 2
Metal Gear: Solid Snake
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Call of Duty 1
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I play games since 1995, and until then up until now, I played a lot of average games, very few excellent ones,and a few of them which were really bad.

But-the best games for me-if you take in consideration not just graphics ( sorry ps3/ xbox 360 fans),but also story, atmosphere, replay value, and that something that drags you to play just ''one more hour'',then the best games for me are- Resident Evil0,1,2,3, Silent Hill 0-4, Final Fantasy 6,7,8, Tekken Tag Tournament, Metal Gear Solid 1, Left4dead 1,2, Devil may cry 3,4, PES 5,6, Call of duty 1.
**** graphic. And most of the newest games often offers ONLY that (again-sorry ps3, xbox360 fans).


Super Moderator
That'ssss a very nice thread you have there... It would be a sssssshame if ssssssomething happened to it...


Well-known member
ooh either the original duck hunt on the nintendo NES or lord of the rings return of the king. played that game non stop when it first came out, such an awesome game :)


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Fallout 3 and New Vegas (Love the open-world RPG/Action/Adventure style)

Elder Scrolls series (same as above)

Final Fantasy VII, VIII and X (didn't care much for IX, and hated XIII)

Grandia (great story and characters)

Burnout Revenge (probably my favourite arcade-style racer)

Doom (love the PSX version of this classic)

Call of Duty series (I just play the campaigns, not the MP)

Dead Island (Loved this! Looking forward to the next installment, called Riptide, due out next year)

Silent Hill (the first and second were my favourites, finished part 3, and just sorta tuned out from part 4 onwards)

Resident Evil 2 & 3 (Definitely my faves as far as the series goes)


Well-known member
the original tetris, Ninja Gaiden series, Duck Tales series, RockMan/Megaman Series, CastleVania Series, Contra Series, Mario 2 and 3, Omg, amazing music on these games.

Arcana (amazing music), Mario Kart, FF mystic quest lol, (Chrono trigger unfortunately i only played on emulator so i cant say it was that much as memorable as the others)

FF VII, FFIX, Chrono Cross (amazing music on these games) are my fave (though i played the most RPG's here), CastleVania SOTN

I enjoyed Baldur's Gate and FFXII. Though sadly, this was the end of my console playing days as I just got disheartened one day.

Diablo I, II. Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness. The incredible Machine I & II,
FallOut Tactics, (would've wanted to get my hands on the other Fallouts)