What does your day consist of?


Well-known member
6-8am - Get up, do breakfast & sons breakfast
8-9am - Bath/shower, dressed, makeup, get son dressed
9-10am - Either go out for walk or stay in and wait for mum to arrive
10-11am - Son has nap. Go on laptop/read news.
11-12noon - Have lunch. Give son Lunch.
12noon-1pm - Go for walk/do washing/cleaning
1-4pm - Do practically nothing if out or will do some washing/cleaning or walk
4-5pm - Do sons dinner. Sometimes have mine
5-6pm - Partner gets in. (3 nights a week I go to work & will finish at 9pm)
6-7pm - Son has bath & goes to bed.
7-9pm - Watch TV/Laptop

Its just so boring. If I had confidence to see friends all the time it would be so much better... :(

What does your days consist of?


Well-known member
Most days of the week I literally do nothing. Never leave house or speak to anyone on phone. I go days without speaking except to my dog or self.
Its only been this bad like the last 3 months but in a sick way im really starting to like it. 8O


Well-known member
I wish I had someone to share my day with.

I get up somewhere between 8AM and 1PM, depending on how long I stayed up to chat the following night.

I have breakfast shortly after getting out of bed, and then I eat something every 3 hours. I put on a timer on my cellphone so I don't forget.

Most of my day is spent procrastinating, chatting or playing games on my computer.


Well-known member
Before I had my son I would do absolutely nothing, there was a time where I was only working Saturdays and during the week was be on The Sims all day. Obviously having him now keeps me away from computer games but I still have a huge chunk of day on the laptop. I take my son for walks for his own good and will try my hardest to mask my shyness purely so he can play with other babies as I don't want him being like me.


Active member
12:45 am -> Wake up
01:15 pm -> Lunch
01:30 pm -> Bedroom again: PC: Internet (news, foruns, sites...), games
05:00 pm -> Get something to eat
05:15 pm -> PC: Internet (news, foruns, sites...), games
08:00 pm -> Dinner
08:30 pm -> PC: Internet (news, foruns, sites...), games
01:00 am -> PC: TV series, Movies
05:00 am -> Bed time (sometimes only fall asleep at 6am)

I think I'll need eye transplant soon. :x

Eating, sleeping, INTERNET(24/7), Stupid school(almost done), TV, Music, talking on the phone with my bf and chatting with him at night, staying at home as soon as i come from school....thats it.


Well-known member
6:30am - I eventually drag myself out of bed after pressing the snooze button many times. I get washed, brush my teeth, get dressed, have breakfast.
7:10am - I start driving to work.
8:00am - Work starts.
5:pm - Work finishes.
6:pm - Get home and eat.
7:pm- Go online :D
8:pm (o'r later depending on how much i am online)- Practice my guitar, some days i do some excercise, o'r watch tv, dvd maybe.
10pm - Have a bath o'r shower brush my teeth and floss.
11pm o'r midnight- I go to sleep


Well-known member
Well if i didn't have my job to go to i think my day would also consist of nothingness. My job is the only thing which gives me a little bit atleast of discipline. I have very little self discipline otherwise.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, I wake up at around 8am, get dressed then have breakfast. From there, I spend most of my day either online, reading, listening to music or watching TV or watching my DVDs. Or playing my acoustic guitar. So as you can see my day doesn't consist of much, it's pretty boring really.


Well-known member
My day consists of looking for a job and usually failing at the task. I mostly call around to places and I go out when I can get up the nerve, like today for instance. But no one ever returns my calls so I spend the day at home pretending that I'm not depressed by distracting myself with reading, TV, and most of all, the internet.


Well-known member
proudmummy said:
6-8am - Get up, do breakfast & sons breakfast
8-9am - Bath/shower, dressed, makeup, get son dressed
9-10am - Either go out for walk or stay in and wait for mum to arrive
10-11am - Son has nap. Go on laptop/read news.
11-12noon - Have lunch. Give son Lunch.
12noon-1pm - Go for walk/do washing/cleaning
1-4pm - Do practically nothing if out or will do some washing/cleaning or walk
4-5pm - Do sons dinner. Sometimes have mine
5-6pm - Partner gets in. (3 nights a week I go to work & will finish at 9pm)
6-7pm - Son has bath & goes to bed.
7-9pm - Watch TV/Laptop

Its just so boring. If I had confidence to see friends all the time it would be so much better... :(

What does your days consist of?

Funny, that's pretty much my day exactly. My son has the same naptime, bedtime, afternoon walks and bath time as yours. He keeps me busy, but when I have free time I wish I had someone to talk to or spend time with. It's sad and lonely sometimes. The other day I met a girl through a friend, and she started calling me to hang out, and I panicked and wouldn't pick up the phone, I've never liked talking on the phone it makes me really nervous having to think of what to say, and I feel really bad because I don't want her to think i'm a snob or I don't like her, I just don't know how to explain the way I feel. I love spending time with my son, but I also need a little conversation stimulation from other adults.


Active member

My days of current... are pretty boring.. currently have no job have not been working for about over 4 months now .. and living with the parents , cause I can't afford to live on my own now cause of no job .. tried getting jobs but never get calls back ..

7am - get up , go on laptop..watch movies play games, surf net

2pm- eat dinner .. watch some tv, take shower

4pm - go on laptop watch movies, play games

12pm-1am - go to sleep

repeat next day

life stinks right now anyways... but even when i'm working life stinks also to , i just have money thats the difference


5:00 am: scream obscenities at alarm clock
5:30 am: get up/go to work
7 am-3:30 pm: work, lunch at 12 where I roam the streets of downtown looking for good food
3:30-4:30 pm: battle traffic
4:30-11:00 pm: chill, work out, build stuff, or generally nothing
11ish: sleep

damn traffic taking away my do nothing time.


I usually get out of bed at around ten watch tv till about 2 eat lunch go online till about 7 eat dinner and go on comp till about 3 and sleep.


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Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 107
Location: England
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:54 am Post subject:


Get up at about 9 so I'm always late for college, if I do go into college I'm always late. I hardly talk to anyone there and am crippled by anxiety unless my close friend is around or if I have some alcohol in a soft drinks bottle (very bad, I know). Then at lunch I get the bus home cause I dont know what else to do, then sometimes bus it back in. By the time college finishes I am so tired out by anxiety I fall asleep or sit on my laptop doing nothing, like now

Just about the drinking part does anyone ever notice ?
I used to do that at my old job coz alcohol absolutely cures anxiety and depression for me but i got busted and fired for it


Active member
I spend all of my time wasting it. I'm on the internet just about all day, but I couldn't tell you what I actually do besides the occasional video game. I'd say I surf the web most of the time, which I probably do, but I can't think of any websites I really go to often. I'd say I play games all day, but I don't think I do that either. I know I have to be doing something all day, it just doesn't feel like I'm doing anything. Time just kind of flies by without anything happening. I'd like to be spending my time progressively, it's just that I have no motivation or inspiration. I mean, I'm eighteen, practically in my prime, and I do nothing, and I really get the feeling I'm going to regret this later.


Well-known member
This is a fun topic, I think. ^_^ You get a little peek into other people's lives.

As for me,

1PM: get up, smoke and drink coffee, watch I Love Lucy
1:30: Brush teeth, take shower, dry hair, put on makeup
2:30: hunt for socks, pick some clothes up off the floor and throw them in the dryer
2:45: put on clothes, put dogs outside
3:00: go to class (I HATE CLASS!!)
6:50: head home, buy more cigarettes and beer/wine
---then this goes on until 3am or so--- drink, smoke, watch tv, draw, read, play with dogs, try to tame baby possum, get on the internet and read webcomics, read forums, dig up random shit on youtube and veoh, go to bed and nurture my twisted microcosm, ext.

Oh yea, I can veg with the best of 'em.
5:00am (sometimes 4am) get up
6:30am commute (beep beep)
7:00am work (programming)
NOON commute
1:00pm work from home (programming)
5:00pm commute
5:30pm college class (java, c++)
9:00pm commute
10:00pm sleep

weekends - sleep, concerts (beer, metal), sleep, groceries (publix, costco), nap, laundry, nap, homework

I need to add exercise and guitar lessons to my schedule.

Robert Palmer said:
Oh I bet
You were a virgin
'Til you let me
Oh I miss your kiss
When you are gone
I was young and foolish
Didn't know what I was doing
Didn't know I'd lost you
'Til you were gone
Oh I miss your loving
When you are gone

Now I gotta get up
Early in the morning
Find me another lover
Now I've got to get up early
Every morning
'Cos the early bird
Always catches the worm

Now I've got to get up early
Every morning
Got to make up for the
Lesson I learned
Got to find me a lover
Who won't run for cover
Find me a lover
Who won't run for cover

Got to get up
Early in the morning
Find me another lover
Now I gotta get up
Early in the morning
Find me another lover
I was young and foolish
Didn't know what I was doing
Didn't know I'd lost you
'Til you'd gone
She had a pretty face
Drove me wild
I even wanted her to have my child