what do you think of horror movies now?


Well-known member
Has anyone noticed they tend to get a bit too much on the gore effects. I mean in older movies, they were more suspenseful and were more in fore subtle creepiness/scares than focusing on how much ounce of blood a person's skin sheds on the floor. Is this to get more viewers and own money. I watched a few movies like Halloween(remakes), Saw movies, House of 1000 corpses I even accidentally looked up Human Centipede, blech! Even the actors are all good looking(prove me if I'm wrong if there wasn't one actor in a recent remake of a horror film was "average looking" disregard the nerd stereotypes.) I don't know. I mean just to see people's limbs get chopped off, be gutted, throat ripped out, I think that's going far into extremes here. I know there just movies, but I think it's simply just to get more viewers than to actually revolve around the story itself and how the characters manage to defeat their main conflicts. All the actors I'm seeing are fairly good looking, cheesy acting, and such. I'm sick of these actors getting paid for their looks and that's the only thing they'll get people's attentions to show off their abs, biceps, tanned toned body. Damn. I wouldn't say all good looking people aren't bad actors, but they just use their looks to their own advantage to seek some attention from others and that just shows so much lack of respect. (again, before all of you say they are just movies, I'm well aware of that, however, I am only just trying to vent out on how much this trend has been going for so much.) They all basically follow the same story idea/plot device and the kills aren't unique if you just stab someone repeatedly. That's old now. I even watched a scene from a horror movie where a guy was running to save his girlfriend and his leg got caught in a trap in the ground while his girlfriend was in a sleeping bag burning in the fire while you hear that sizzling sound as she was crying for help as the camera zooms inside of her bag and when he was trying to free from the grasp of the trap on his leg, you see his bone(barely!) That's not creative or creepy, that's just mentally twisted for f*cks sakes! Am I the only one who feels this way. I stopped watching those movies like that, but still it drives me in anger why this stuff keeps reappearing and something we've all seen before. It's like basically watching the same movie over and over and that's what this trend is doing.


Well-known member
People like gore now. They can't really go back to the suspenseful stuff now because its pretty much all be been done before. I also think people like gore because we are so desensitized that it doesn't phase us anymore, so they have to keep trying to out do the last movie to get our attention. Does that make sense.

You should try watching Asian horror movies (i like korean and japanese) they are the MASTERS of suspense.


Well-known member
The Paranormal Activity series is quite suspenseful, and I really like those. Same with the movie Insidious.

I don't mind the gore and blood and guts, too, but not on all movies, heh. :)


Well-known member
I'm a huge fan or horror movies.
I love the classics and think that older horror is still the best.
But I'm also a gorehound. :D
I enjoy a nice slasher movie.
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Well-known member
I hate all blood and gore movies......i hate to watch films where people are being tortured or hacked up..... just cos the overall feel of films stays with me for agesss after and I don't like it... and horrors always make me jump and hide behind a cushion.


A friend has got me into years of different horror: The Hills Have Eyes, Creep, Wrong Turn, 2, 3. Magic about inbreeding in the forests...

I prefer this to people wearing suits, driving supercars, shooting guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns...

I prefer guts 'n' pain beyond just the odd bullet.

Jigsaw (SAW) was good

Generally, movies have seriously deteriorated. Some end with a big :thumbdown: on lasting too long and boring. I prefer more thoughtful and social / psychological stories... all Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, which has moved on from my special era of cars and guns and personal combat. Anyone who thinks of doing this again should give up, since Matrix. Nothing wrong with James Bond or Jason Bourne

Gladiator was about proper emotion and story, like Braveheart. No effects
Gremlins. Short Circuit 2... Terminators... sequel required. Commando. Sci-fi should be left to die.

So many special effects made in very recent years are so rubbish now that it's so easy to do (X-men). The effects need a proper reason to put them to decent use, like Hobbit.

I want a movie without guns.
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I used to love scary movies. But the past few years I've been pretty on edge without outside stimuli. Watching horror movies and games tends to push me into migraines. It's best avoided unless critically acclaimed for story or something.


Well-known member
I use to love them! But now when I look at the state of the world, there is more than enough horror.

But, I enjoyed the last Halloween by Rob Zombie.


Well-known member
Most horror films these days are just a safe financial bet for prod companies, especially during Halloween. The scare tactics being used are getting repetitive; build-up...build-up...build-up...HAH NOTHING!! Was just a cat, then BAM!!! the real scare comes after the initial tension is dissolved. I absolutely hate these tactics, they're completely effortless, just cheap scares. Last decent horror film I saw in the states was Insidious.
Most horror films these days are just a safe financial bet for prod companies, especially during Halloween. The scare tactics being used are getting repetitive; build-up...build-up...build-up...HAH NOTHING!! Was just a cat, then BAM!!! the real scare comes after the initial tension is dissolved. I absolutely hate these tactics, they're completely effortless, just cheap scares. Last decent horror film I saw in the states was Insidious.

Unlike the latest scare tactics which are genuinely horrific. Downright inhumane. Vulgar even;

Beloved franchise!; :Ð <3

Gets a movie!; :ÐÐ

Michael Bay is involved!; DDx


Super Moderator
I like horror movies where monsters are involved, no matter how gory it is. It's human vs. human violence what I can't stand.


Well-known member
my ex loves horror films. so he had this idea we would go to this horror film, whatever it was, cant remember the title. so there we were watching the film...
and the big scary moment was coming up, and all i could do was yell at the characters on the screen to turn around or run...really, pissed off the guys behind me so much that they started kicking my seat.. i have really bad hypervigilance so the movie was really trigering me. even now at home if i am watching something really scary i will yell at the characters to run, oh ridiculously stupid i know, but some day i will get a handle on it LOL :sarcastic:


Well-known member
I can name hundreds of horror movies that aren't gore off my list. I love modern movies as they have better effects and more complicated plots when you get away from the year's top slasher film to compensate for the fact that movies are no longer new and a lumbering black-and-white monster is no longer novelty.
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Active member
I don't like. I liked the old horror movies without computers effects and without bizarre scenes.


Well-known member
I feel the directors nowadays put to much gore in the horror movies..They need to cut down on the gore a little bit..In zombie movies I don't mind it but in slasher movies I hate seeing too much gore