That's a shame, because I was secretly hoping for a relationship with you. I say the things that no other guy will say, because apparently "the hard truth" is extremely unpopular. (Guess that explains my lack of popularity, then.)
I don't think it's that the hard truth is extremely unpopular so much as it's never a good idea to be that ridiculously forward without being at least 60% sure of how you're going to be received.
Yes, you need to take risks to get what you want... but you also need to be realistic about who you are and how much you know about the other person. If you're just blurting out everything that's on your mind without taking anything else into consideration, it's going to be embarrassing and awkward for everyone involved. That's the difference between Prince Charming and Travis Bickle.
It's not a good idea to paint yourself as a virtuous man in a less than virtuous world before asking yourself if there may in fact be a very good reason for your being received like you are.