what are your plans this summer?



Work...... work........ work.........

And "me" time.

Visiting with some family I haven't seen in a while.

Getting ready for uni this fall.

Trying to feel better.


Well-known member
I have to get through winter first.

I want to set masters records for 800, 1500, 5000 and 10000m races

Stay injury free. Still have a job. Train for a marathon
We've just finished Summer here. I had a few things planned this past summer, but accomplished only one::eek::

Luckily the winters where I live are so mild I still have time do many of my summer plans :)


Well-known member
-Do some art
-Learn to cook healthy meals
-Learn about car maintenance...should've done that a long time ago hah
-Brush up on my Vietnamese
-Possibly travel somewhere by myself...not even sure where. I just need to get the hell out of here, I've been stuck in this county all my life...
-And then soon, apply to some mind-numbing entry level jobs....yay
Hopefully I will still have a job at that time. If I have a job, I'll keep looking for more jobs. I need money to pay my rent. I don't have other plans for summer right now. Maybe I'll visit Belgium or Germany for a few days.


Well-known member
I was planning on hiking through the Andes, climbing mount Everest and maybe absailing/bungee jumping off a bunch of lethal-looking cliffs, with an occasional skydive thrown in for good measure. Just kidding, I'll probably spend it working, playing video games, and going for drinks with my brother every so often if I feel up to it. I did just get a Range Rover though, so I'll probably go for some nice drives as well.


Well-known member
just 4 weeks left to payday and im off fishing whoo hoo. i love fishing its secluded and quiet, and most of all im out of the house. :)


Active member
nice thread. i fckin like it! :D

i'm plannin to learn arabish and spanish, goin to gym, playin a lot of football with my little cousins and learn to cook some basic and easy meal cause after summer, i'll be in my own home with my best friend!

can't wait to july. but 'till july i have to a lot of study.


Active member
I can't remember the last time I had summer plans of any kind.. All the seasons are pretty much the same old thing for me. *sigh* ::eek::
Chinese whispers
what are your plans this summer?
water your plants this summer
watery planets, some are


Pirate from the North Pole
Chinese whispers
what are your plans this summer?
water your plants this summer
watery planets, some are

Lol :D I'm not good at this, I won't even try...

This summer - climbing, kayaking, hiking, camping, accordion, probably visit some geek or underground festivals and hang out in the parks, and hopefully working full time or else I'll be in trouble in september :/