I would like to use this for the title of my next album
I'll take a 60% royalty.
I would like to use this for the title of my next album
I read over some of my journal entries and I've found that they often don't seem to make sense or express what I was getting at... or they repeat themselves. I guess that happens when you write massive walls of text and are just working things out as you write. I still hate it, though.
Maybe if I wrote less I would make more sense.
Today I was thinking about how it is that I have managed to convince myself I am so normal, and can write these journal entries like I'm actually somewhat confident.
And even though the answer might seem like I should know it, it hasn't actually hit me with the degree of significance it probably should have by now.
It is because I don't go anywhere, and I am constantly in my safety zone. I always want to assign deep, idiosyncratic meaning to my issues so I don't feel so wretched-- but yeah, it's the safety zone thing. It's pretty boring and ordinary-- well, for people with anxiety issues.
But then, I would probably be a lot more negative and a lot more rattled if I was subjecting myself to more stressors. Maybe doing so is the best way to make a breakthrough, but there is always a chance that the breakthrough will never come... in which case, I am certainly better off staying in my safety zone. I mean, if you were living on Mars, you wouldn't be an idiot for staying inside of your greenhouse/living quarters-- it's just the smart thing to do. You don't take off your space helmet in space, you don't remove your oxygen tank 10 meters underwater, you don't jump off a cliff because if you're not a bird, you don't just assume that you can fly.
It is probably better to be relatively happy inside of a bubble than suffering without reward because you think bubble life is a copout. That's pretty much against the entire fabric of society, excellence and what most people want for themselves/believe in with the whole 'achieve achieve achieve' thing... but really, if you're not even willing to address the possibility that it's true, what does that make you? Why would you need to achieve things when everyone can be perfectly happy by scaling things down, or by living simpler, or by focusing more on their immediate realities than the whole of society/civilization?
Yes, that is my profound insight into living for today.
Sorry to come in to your thread and spew negativity. I'm feeling pretty shitty and happened to read this, haha - and strangely enough I found it both comforting and extremely depressing.
If you're always trying to be at your strongest, always trying to convince people you're in control and you're always desirable and you're always worthwhile... eventually you forget how to be human and you get caught up in this need to present a false self to the world. At that point you begin to lose your strength because not only are you holding back your true self, you're also channelling your energy into your mask, and into supporting the weight of that mask. You can't keep that up forever.
I'll take a 60% royalty.
I was gonna give you 97% , but 60 it is !
Sorry, I typed the 9 upside down and instead of another 9 I typed a zero. I am so clumsy!
^ This % saga has made me lol so much!
:thinking: well... all right ...
(Takes a bank loan to afford making the record, sells 500.000 records, has to pay you royalty, has no money left, ends up on the street, dies... dies!!)
:thinking: well... all right ...
(Takes a bank loan to afford making the record, sells 500.000 records, has to pay you royalty, has no money left, ends up on the street, dies... dies!!)
I always assumed this was a thread about music samples? I don't know why I thought that but today I have stumbled across your journal Odo. You are a very witty writer, I laughed when I read your piece on grey's anatomy, that is gold.
^ This % saga has made me lol so much!
I tried to quote all of it from the beginning, but it all had too many smilies in, it would not let me.
Oh come on I would never let you die. As long as my house needs cleaning, you will always be able to find extra work!
Thank you my lord :militarysalute: I'm good at cleaning. I can also be a butler.