Three wishes


You want to know how I got these scars?
A genie appears and grants you three wishes. He won't grant you more wishes and you must use them now.

You think about what you could/would do...
World peace? Cure disease? Make that piece of chocolate cake you're craving so badly right now appear?..
Anything is within your, what'll it be?


Well-known member
Ooh, interesting!

1. give the entire world access to fresh, clean drinking water.
2. give myself $999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.
3. eliminate deserts. (that's deserts, not desserts! ::p:)

It's hard thinking of just three, but those are ones I would definitely use, especially number one. :)

EDIT: How about you, Pug? What would you do?
I was going say flying, telekinesis and a unified planet.

But if it has to be within realistic reach, I guess;

1) The real life functional equivalent of the Iron Man armour (possibly through technology from far beyond our current time.)

2) The second wish is to upgrade the armour with airborne nanobot technology to simulate telekinesis. And also to make awesome shadow puppets with.

3) The leverage, money and perfect law set to make global unity possible without having to sacrifice individual language and cultures through things like required bilinguality of one's native tongue and a agreed upon a singular global language, much like reading and writing today are required.

That last one is many things, but counts as one wish since it's for a single goal... and I'll debate that genie for an eternity until he/she agrees. He/she is not getting out of this one..
1. Cure from all my struggles
2. Be forever with my girlfriend (but that we already do hehe, but just the what if)
3. Get famous with my music


Well-known member
1. Be in great shape and never gain weight no matter how much I eat.
2. Be able to finally move out (or make enough money from my hobbies to do so)
3. Work up the courage to talk to the person I like



Well-known member
1. World peace forever
2. No poverty forever
3. Everyone becomes equal forever

I believe if I fix those problems the world could live in harmony. We would share clean water, oil, food and our different beliefs. We wouldn't have to have blood shed because of greed. In my mind my utopia is everyone living together and building a stronger world. None of this lying, anxiety, living in fear, depression, bullying, racism, sexism, hunger, thirst, greed, or death (except natural causes). This is the world I wish I lived in.
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Super Moderator
1. Make planet Namek real
2. Teleport me there so I can live in peace with the slug-men
3. Lots of knowledge to help and survive

3. eliminate deserts. (that's deserts, not desserts! ::p:)

Oh, good...

-hides baseball bat-
3. eliminate deserts. (that's deserts, not desserts! ::p:)
^Very glad you cleared that one up. I was going to say you would have every SPW member that is a sugar addict sending you some very unpleasant PM's! :bigsmile:

I would ask for:

1. Elimination of every bit of money in the world and a law to exist that it is now against the law to create/print any further form of currency. Everyone has to use bartering (swap their services and/or goods to gain services and/or goods)

2. All of the many manufacturing factories that have been moved over to China and India to abuse the pitiful low wages over in their countries suddenly vanished and appeared back in the country of the owner of each factory. Therefore helping to decrease the high unemployment in the Western countries and Europe.

3. I would like to have won last Saturday's lottery so I no longer have to dread leaving my house, and never have to worry about ending up homeless because I afford to pay the rent.
..........but hang on, didn't I just say money would be eliminated from the world!?.......Great, I finally win the lottery and I don't get the money because of my first wish!! damn :kickingmyself: :crying:


You want to know how I got these scars?
3. eliminate deserts. (that's deserts, not desserts! ::p:)

Lol you'd better not eliminate desserts! :lol:

Hmm.. Let's see.
1) eliminate ANY form of suffering, physical or mental
2) make our world more beautiful and sustainable
3) have the ability to time travel in safety, to the past or future


Well-known member
1) The ability to re-do a situation. Like if i mess something up i can just rewind to the start of that situation and do it again or I could re do a happy moment and live it again

2) Invisibility.

3) A long life

Yeah I'm selfish.


Well-known member
1. Money. Lots. I am doing the poverty bit and I don't like it at all.

2. People who lie get red noses. The bigger the lie, the redder the nose.

3. Teleportation. To go anywhere instantly.
People who lie get red noses. The bigger the lie, the redder the nose



Well-known member
1) I would wish to never again feel fear or anxiety.
2) the super powers of Superman.
3) that people living in poverty, all over the world would have food and never go hungry again.


Well-known member
1. that people who walk around with a high and mighty attitude as if everyone is beneath them could lose that way of thinking
2. the ability to know for sure when someone is lying to me
3. to experience the feeling of knowing someone genuinely cares about me and loves me


Well-known member
1. Glue all liars hands over their mouths, so they can't talk , type, or communicate in anyway. ( Worldwide Government Shutdown ) :sarcastic:

2. Be able to fly like in my dreams when I was a kid.. Those were the Best !!

3. Disarm the world... Wars are all hand to hand between soldiers only, NO MORE, innocent lives taken :thumbup: