arthropod Slapstick or satire?
A Agent_Violet Well-known member Oct 24, 2011 #2,125 Hard rock Being behind a giant suv full of bratty kids with mom on the cell phone constantly hitting her brakes Or Being behind a loud,stinky exhaust group of motorcycles? You can totally tell this was an example from my commute today
Hard rock Being behind a giant suv full of bratty kids with mom on the cell phone constantly hitting her brakes Or Being behind a loud,stinky exhaust group of motorcycles? You can totally tell this was an example from my commute today
upndwn Well-known member Oct 24, 2011 #2,126 Being behind a loud,stinky exhaust group of motorcycles Dinner or Dessert?
M mmmm Well-known member Oct 27, 2011 #2,137 Both. Any dog will do for me but Border Collie since I have to choose. Tired or hungry?
M mmmm Well-known member Oct 27, 2011 #2,139 Bee, because the pain is isolated to one spot. A jellyfish can give you a big rash and make you feel ill even if you aren't officially allergic. shark or crocodile?
Bee, because the pain is isolated to one spot. A jellyfish can give you a big rash and make you feel ill even if you aren't officially allergic. shark or crocodile?