This or That! (A fun game)


Well-known member
500lb person with eyes closed, light off and me singing to myself comforting songs

dayatime or nighttime?
Summer definitely. I wouldn't mind if it were summer all year.
Which do you prefer- riding roller coasters or water rides at a theme park?


Well-known member
roller coasters

getting hit in the eye, or getting hit in the crotch (i'm not sure how much that hurts girls, But it's quite imparring for boys)


Well-known member
dolphin, People say they are the second smartest, and there are studies going on to answer the question if infact dolphins are the only other free thinking animal. Although it's very difficult to determain that.



I think rather the levitating objects (being able to levitate myself even better!). Reading people´s minds could be interesting, but so traumatic that it would prevent me living normal life and cause terrible paranoia.

Painting or photography?

Billy Nasty

Painting. I like to paint my thoughts and feelings when iam feeling down. It makes me feel quite better after letting them out this way. Iam better at expressing my thoughts and feelings that way than writing them down, or talking about them with someone.

Musician or Actor?


Banned kinda scared of boats ::eek:: And ive never been on either but flying seems so much cooler :cool:

If you had to be stranded in one..desert or jungle?


Active member
jungle...although a desert would be cool for a bit, the jungle has food and water, and cool creatures and animals...

(would u rather) be famous for having severe social anxiety and depression or have severe social anxiety and depression because your famous?? ^^
I'd rather have it becuase I'm famous. That's half my dream of being rich and famous accomplished, and I'm already like that, so, hey, why not?

Would you rather have to answer every question you are asked truthfully or never be able to answer a question ever?


Well-known member
Honestly I'd choose a dog over most people (and in the case of Oprah Winfrey). It just doesn't seem as "gross".

Pomegranates or Apples?