Moon. Nice to look at, and can be kind of comforting at night.
Are you left handed or right handed?
Are you left handed or right handed?
Moon. Nice to look at, and can be kind of comforting at night.
Are you left handed or right handed?
right handed. although left handedness sounds cooler
would you rather wake up in an alien spaceship (friendly aliens)
wake up to find everyone but you has been abducted by aliesn
Jane Austen. And chicken, too much pork makes me feel nauseous.
Which do you enjoy more, a long walk or a long drive?
i don't like banana's but still it would be banana smoothie
do you prefre google or youtube. you can only choose 1
I don't know, never tried either of them.
Do you prefer Chicken o'r Turkey?
Being able to fly! I've wanted to fly since I was little.. I'm scared of airplanes though - So only with wings!
Having no legs - or - being on a ventilator for the rest of you life?
circus clown with no legs sounds ideal to me
fatouche salad or jellybeans?