This or That! (A fun game)

Moon. Nice to look at, and can be kind of comforting at night.
Are you left handed or right handed?

right handed. although left handedness sounds cooler

would you rather wake up in an alien spaceship (friendly aliens)


wake up to find everyone but you has been abducted by aliesn
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Well-known member
right handed. although left handedness sounds cooler

would you rather wake up in an alien spaceship (friendly aliens)


wake up to find everyone but you has been abducted by aliesn

In a spaceship. Being completely alone forever would stink.

Jane Austen or Charlotte Brontë?


Well-known member
i don't like banana's but still it would be banana smoothie

do you prefre google or youtube. you can only choose 1


Well-known member
i don't like banana's but still it would be banana smoothie

do you prefre google or youtube. you can only choose 1

Google, I also like google video better than youtube; it's not censored so it has more of a "selection" :). Plus it gets videos from other sites as well, unless you specify otherwise.

Anyway, do you prefer skiing or snowboarding?


Well-known member
Jesus or SickJoke? I didn't really understand that, do you mean choose religion or a sick sinful joke? I'd probably go Jesus, ask him a few questions, see if he can feel my punches and guess my favourite food etc.

Being very tall or very short.
Very short- because I am (not extremely, but still kinda short). bigchris you should check out SickJoke's posts (he's a member here at SPW) and let us know if you change your mind.:)
Sunrise or sunset?


Well-known member
I don't see any problems with his posts?

I'd say sunset because I can go sleeeep. :)

10 million pounds/dollars or true love?


Well-known member
Being able to fly! I've wanted to fly since I was little.. I'm scared of airplanes though - So only with wings! :p


Having no legs - or - being on a ventilator for the rest of you life?


Well-known member
Being able to fly! I've wanted to fly since I was little.. I'm scared of airplanes though - So only with wings! :p


Having no legs - or - being on a ventilator for the rest of you life?

Having no legs. I was watching this show with a lady who was born with no legs, and she skated on a skate board everywhere. Totally cool.

Being a doctor or being a circus clown?
Poor hot one- I guess- I wouldn't choose solely on looks or money- but I guess I would at least want to be attracted to him- and I can make the money for both of us::p:
Coke or Pepsi?