This or That! (A fun game)'s so much more relaxing than the city

jamming wooden stakes into your own kneecaps


gorging your eyes out with a melon baller



Jamming wooden stakes into my knee caps lol...My puppy dog eye routine gets me out of too much trouble to give up.

Tupac or biggy?


Well-known member
Jamming wooden stakes into my knee caps lol...My puppy dog eye routine gets me out of too much trouble to give up.

Tupac or biggy?

Biggy...I have no idea who either of those people are but his name sounds better lol.

Death from getting lit on fire or death from falling out of an airplane?


Well-known member
Adderall, if given the choice. I have no first hand experience with them mind.

Not enough depression and gloom in this thread for SPW.

Alive. (!!)


Well-known member
Dead but only if I get to come back as a squirrel.

Movies or books?

That's easy: Movies. You have no idea how many times I literally "made up" books that don't exist so I could get out of a book report.

Drama or humor?
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Well-known member
Love, bcz it would be very deeper
severe Social Phobia or physical disability(hand, foot, eye...)
Depends on the physical disability...probably with the disability if I didn't have SA to go with it, as long as I was happy and didn't have any other problems like depression..
Terms and conditions apply, haha!

Sun or moon?