Haha, definitely add these to my list above. Oh, and AUTO-TUNE. You forgot Lil Wayne, too.
the world. jk... but seriously where do i start? should i alphabetize for future reference? this is important... um...
selfish, insensitive, entitled, demanding, hateful biggots, racists (especially if they accuse everyone else of racism except themselves- that's even worse), liars, cheaters, homophobes, classists, meatheads, thugs, crackheads, violent criminals, thieves, vandalism (well-done street art i like), hummers or any phallic-compensational vehicle, tailgaters, traffic, littering, greed, materialism, when people consistently blow me off and act like i am an ahole because i stopped calling, people who expect everyone to conform into a specific mold as if humans are cut out on a factory line, sick people in public, advertisements everywhere, when you buy a dvd but they still have advertisements on it as if you did not pay for the dvd in full, jury duty haha suck it, high cost of living, BRIDGE TOLL eff you, incompetent government, political correctness, SH!TTY MOVIE REMAKES omfg, perez hilton, joan rivers, tila tequila, kanye west, usher, mariah carey, britney spears' hair, the look on eminem's face, people who are way too overprotective of their baby, when someone puts something back in the fridge after they finished it all except for a tbsp, the news, spam, auto-start music on the www, when guys leave the toilet seat up RUDE!, when you are in a public restroom and a girl has sprayed pee all over the seat DIAF, my own social ineptitude (first and foremost, even though i put it last).
i've got more. i can feel the fiery pit of rage bubbling from deep down inside!!!
Just being reminded of this guy makes me wince
Clothes shopping, being in malls, politics, american political figures, oil spills, burning coal, why are we still drilling for oil in the first place???, how oil drilling is starting to recall nature reserve boundaries.... china's coal burning.. when people cut down trees and take them to a ****ing landfill??? or lawn grass in the dump trucks? Great symbol that is about our people. Monsanto, GMOs that have completely taken over nearly all corn and soybeans and many more, god. The creation of refining food. People's shock and ignorance about eating a mainly raw diet, overfishing, when people treat natural disasters like it wasn't meant to happen and it's such a shocker even though mankind thoroughly deserves and should be expecting it, the gimmick of washing your hair and brushing your teeth, using soaps with harmful everyday chemicals, how medication taints our water which is turning fish and frogs into hermaphrodites, homophobes so . many. things. I can't wait to leave it all
heat! this hot freakin' heat really pisses me off!!!
.....and the fact that there aren't any bigass celebrity concerts/events raising awareness/money for this whole oil spill thing in our OWN COUNTRY.. good job, guys!
hmmmmm?..........everything that has been mentioned so far, as well as advertisers and corporate business!!![]()
The thing that pisses me off the most in the world is when able bodied people take the elevator up or down one floor.
That is a prime example of human selfishness... !!!
I hate how those 'stand-around salespeople operate. You know the ones that hang around train stations and at the entrance and exits of stores and shopping centres, or the ones that block the foot path so that you're trapped, and they're all like "oh how's your day going miss, I just want to talk to you about....." and dont let you get a word in. I hate how "I" feel guilty for saying 'sorry, I'm in a hurry' I say it politely enough, but they always give me a rude look after. They are so annoying and totally wreck my day, that shouldn't even be legal, I should be able to walk down the street without being haggled and harassed. I hate being forced upon.