Things That Are Overrated


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Alcohol - I used to think this was so great, but now I can go months and months without having a drink. Yeah, I'll still drink occasionally and wipe myself out, but it's no longer the basis of my Friday nights. It's pointless.

Fireworks - I used to like them when I was 10, but they're so bland now. Give me a good lightning show any day of the week! In fact, summer is approaching in Australia so I'll hopefully see a few electrical shows.

Gossip - My mum is huge on the gossip scene, always trying to sprout some knowledge on who's getting a new couch, or who's going to jail, and so on. I don't care. It doesn't concern me so I don't give a hoot.

Cars - As a male, I'm supposed to be interested in cars. I'm also supposed to be interested in modifying them to look cooler or sound noisier or have a "fully sick" subwoofer in them or whatever. That really doesn't bother me one tiny bit. I just want a car that'll be reliable and have as little maintenance as necessary. A girl once told me I was "brave" for saying I didn't like cars...I thought I was just being honest...?
reality tv
television in general
and magazines
Facebook. The most overrated thing in existence. ::p:
Brand Name* clothing
iPhones... or 'smart' phones in general. haha
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! XD


Well-known member
Holidays in flashy hotels, Give me a tent and a mountain to climb any day of the week.


Sex with a beautiful woman (or so I've heard) ;)
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HA. All you who tell me kittens are not overrated, go out and adopt one then tell me what you think. ::p: Puppies are overrated too, by the way.


Well-known member
Going to the beach
The A-4 family life
Having a drivers license
Books (mostly because I enjoy the movies more than the books 90% of the time)
Reality TV
Global warming
The paranormal
Fast food
Gourmet food
The human race
Art (most of it at least)
Psychology and Psychiatry
Good looks
Political correctness
and lots of other stuff I can't remember at the moment


Well-known member
My aunt saved a hurt kitten on the garbage after a fight with other cats (I assume they were other cats because I wasn't there, but it could've been something else).
It was the wildest thing I've ever seen! And now, after some years, it's the sweetest thing in the world ::p:
Kittens are not overrated :D