The world owes me


Well-known member
The overall unfairness of the world pisses me off too from time to time, specially when someone gets a chance that I feel they don't deserve or when someone wastes an opportunity I wish I could have. But I don't feel the world owes me nothing, and more that a feeling of "vengeance", I end up with a saddening resignation.

I totally agree with this.. No one owes me a damn thing... but it's sure nice to get paid off karmically every now and again


Well-known member
No. I think the world is cruel and when I've done everything I wanted and got everything I wanted in life, I'm going to rub it in the world's face. Take that!

That goes on in my head.


Well-known member
I constantly blame myself for everything.

Why am I a pathetic loser? > My fault completely.
Why isn't Agoraphobia considered a disability in Ontario? > I've been neglecting to vote. My fault again.
Why are so many people starving and dying of diseases that are easily curable? > My fault. How? JUST IS! I Should be doing more to help! If I could leave my house for long enough, I could use my unicorn tears to cure everyone and bring peace to the world!


Well-known member
^I'm sure that deep inside you know that it's not true. I know the feeling myself, though, and it's not what I could call nice.

The world is certainly not fair, but I can't blame it, it would be silly. I am responsible for my life and what happens with it and I can't blame anyone else. Nothing and no one owes me anything, I take the responsability.


Well-known member
I'm with Weirdy, world hunger is my fault. (Which is actually a very three year old mentality.)

Life is unfair, and there's no rhyme or reason to it. It just is. The only thing we can do is try to make it a better world for others and be receptive to good things when we have the opportunity.

I love the story about the cat.

We have to accept that life isn't fair and that we can't fix everything, but that doesn't mean we can't fix anything. We should be receptive, yes, to opportunity, and have the strength to make the most of it. We have to focus on what we can do, and not what we think the world ought to do.

Don't ever wait around for something or someone else to make things better, you will be waiting forever.

Focusing on our own behaviour is actually very empowering, because our own behaviour is something we can control.

I guess what I'm saying is: it really doesn't help to yell at the toaster.


Yeah, this.


Well-known member
Why are so many people starving and dying of diseases that are easily curable? > My fault. How? JUST IS!
You do realise this is completely out of your control so you shouldn't be blaming yourself, right?

Yes, the world owes me big, for giving me a disgusting life experience. My whole life smells like fecal matter.
I don't think this is true. Why does your whole life smell? ::(:


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Hey Nate :) Who is this 'world' person? What did he take from you? Want me to go all crazy irish woman on him ?
The world stole my lunch money. Can you beat him up for me? ::(:

can i yell at my toaster if i don't have the job of my dreams

even if i didn't actually go apply for any jobs

or send out any resumes?
Tradition would seem to indicate that yes, yes you can!


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Here's the culprit for you:



Well-known member
one reason I find the earth from space so beautiful
is that it is
just one small planet in the vastness of space

makes all our differences seem so trivial


Well-known member
Let's not kid ourselves. There are structural, institutional, and individual forces acting against us and preventing us from becoming the people we want to be. The world is unfair. The belief that we can all accomplish anything we want if we try hard enough is a myth. The vast majority of the poor work hard. They work their their fingers until they bleed, yet they remain poor. How is that fair? Do the individuals who have all of the power and the resources work harder than everyone else? Absolutely not. I repeat myself: the world is unfair. This doesn't mean we should give up though. We need to fight against all of the forces that are preventing us from becoming the people we want to be. *sigh* It sure is hard though.

"'Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.'
'Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it.'
Game, my a$$. Some game. If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then it's a game, all right — I'll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren't any hot-shots, then what's a game about it? Nothing. No game."
--From The Catcher in the Rye

Edit: Wait, am I confusing what this thread is about? Are we talking about society or nature or both? Nature is unfair, but I don't blame nature. Nature It's stupid to yell at cancer or hurricanes. On the other hand, society is unfair; and I do blame society.
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Well-known member
this might be irrelavant but reading your posts,you are all amazingly intelligent,interesting,sensible,of all the people i bump into and listen to them talk,i always wish they could be replaced by people like you,i'd never believe you are awkward or weird or worthless and i can't believe you don't realise how awesome you are,i mean you should be the 'cool ones',you should be the leaders.(no,i'm not drunk,it's 6 in the morning here and i can't organise my thoughts very well)