The world owes me

It seems that as it ended up at the end of a thread's page, this important clarification made by Nate got overlooked:

I feel a bit guilty now. In truth, my original post isn't how I feel at all. It's the result of a conversation I was having with another SPW member, and it sums up a certain mentality I've seen a lot of on here. I wondered how people would react if I stated it plainly.

For myself I've never felt I deserved or was owed anything, and I have trouble understanding that line of thought.

I can tell you though, a major problem with that way of thinking is that there is no 'the world'. That's a simplistic and anthropomorphic way of looking at things. It's all separate pieces acting independently. The world doesn't make promises, or taunt, or as a rule care about you one way or the other. Reacting to it as such in reality ends up meaning you punish person A for something person B did to you, perpetuating the cycle.

It's human nature to take things personally which are not. It's also human nature to anthropomorphize everything around us. We see sentient spirits in volcanoes and hurricanes. We can't be bothered to watch cartoons about animals that haven't been given human traits. We beg and plead with our cars to start, and threaten our freakin' toasters if they burn the toast. We know the toaster isn't quivering in fear and striving to do better, but it's in our nature.

I guess what I'm saying is: it really doesn't help to yell at the toaster.