Well-known member
Wing charm... i'm extremely sorry i couldnt get to send you a message... i was preoccupied with work and never got a chance to write... Believe me, i fully support you in this communicating on the thread thing.... I could do anything for a good friend... i learnt from the past that you have to let the other person be in charge if you want to be a good friend... appreciate them for who they are and go according to their terms if you want to be accepted... It's just that sometimes the terms are too harsh... like talking once a year and being mocked for being too eager to have communication.... I'm still with 0 friends in my life... online i do have some nice people and i have my office friend... i think the world of her and sometimes i feel like taking a risk and trying to open up with her in the office... When i am free and i dont have work to do i say to myself i have to try... and even though i've got like two dozen smiles from her on Msn and a really caring attitude workwise... i still have my doubts... she's got the superiority as a senior and also being i'm more submissive than ever when you also take in the fact that i am extremely lonely...When i fail after i try to open up to her i go into the self hate mode and i bash myself for mistakes i made...i was too nervous, i was choking, i wasnt brave enough to look her in the eye when i was saying something... my face quivered, my voice got stuck in my throat... I tried it with other people too but i never made any connection unlike i did with her... I'm the most organized, serious, workaholic nerd from the outside but from the inside i am like a fragile little guy who would blast himself into pieces if he let down anyone who was nice to him... In the end i just think i shouldnt have been born, i'm just too much trouble for everyone... everywhere i go people seem upset cos of my too nice attitude, and i hate to hurt them like this... when it comes to my work place friend i feel like asking her to flatten me to the ground cos of my attitude...