The lonely loner


Active member
idk why im doing this..just something to try i guess.
this is more for personal release then replies, but any replies are appreciated.:)

I cant talk to people..i always feel unneeded/unloved. I should probably see a therapist or something but i feel too far gone. Is it possible to be normal after all of this? It feels like the more i try to fix it the worse it gets..the only other option is to give up. killing myself isn't an option, so the only option is living alone and rejected by all people, without trying to fix it. :crying:

what do i do..give in to suicide, or live an empty life..I'm convinced there is no cure for me. the normal advice of "getting out" or "be yourself" has the exact opposite effect. the more i get out, the less i want to be around people. the more i try to be myself, the less like me i feel.

is anyone still reading? does anyone care/know enough to help me.
I guess im doing this more for help then release :blushing:
Do i just sound like i feel sorry for myself? I cant operate normally is social situations, ya, I feel a little sorry for myself. What other option do I have?

if anyone cares: I'm not suicidal (It wont happen), I just feel like thats the only option left. I cant keep living like this.

I'm nervous posting this..but noone here knows me anyway:crying:


Active member
Have you considered therapy?

Im...scared, what if it doesn't help. I've tried so hard my whole life and got nowhere, what more can a therapist do..
Maybe that's just a reaction from the depression but it feels like I'm hopeless.

..I'm not even sure how I would pay for it, or how to find a therapist. I feel like i cant do anything right, I always need someone else to help with everything.

I also don't want to be on all kinds of medications..Extremely nervous about even seeing a therapist..I have to open up to him so he can help..but I can't trust anyone. Everyone thinks I'm crazy.


Well-known member
I feel the same way too. I don't know the meaning of life and lack almost all motivation for living. Some people live to achieve fame, some want riches, others pursue power, etc. I don't have such aspirations. If I want to continue living, I want to live in a friendly environment that is welcoming to me.

There's nothing wrong with being a loner. It's not even a crime. You're not hurting anybody. It's very annoying when I hear people point me out as a loner and try to degrade me.


Active member
Thanks jaim38 :)
I never looked at it that way. I didn't realize until reading your post..I don't have aspirations to be rich, famous, or powerful. I just want a friendlier world.

How do other people deal with that? Does it make me weak because I don't want to deal with the cruelty of the world?
I dislike people who are mean, I always try to make people smile. I have this problem of basically shunning people who are mean..I don't like being that way, everyone is mean sometimes..right? Everyone deserves to smile..
I read too much..and over think everything. I always come up with the wrong answers tho. like why does it seem like people dislike nice people but will do almost anything to please someone who disrespects them? maybe they think pleasing them will bring money, power, and respect into their lives..

I'm rambling now..but it feels good to get it out. I have nowhere else where I can say these things..


Active member
Chances that it helps if you don't try it: zero. Absolute zero.
Chances that it helps if you try it: above zero.

That's a good point, but I mean what do I do if it doesn't work?
I feel like I'm procrastinating because if anything can help, therapy has the best chance, if that fails then my feeling of hopelessness is correct..I'm gonna look at my financial options tomorrow, I might be able to get something from my work benefits but I'm not sure..I need sleep now lol

Thanks for replying Flanscho :)


Well-known member
You're not alone, I can't talk to people either, and the more I am around people, the less I want to be around people.

Things can improve with help, life can even be enjoyable within limits.

Good luck with it, keep trying, sometimes you will win.


Well-known member
That's a good point, but I mean what do I do if it doesn't work?

Then you try something else.

There are always many approaches to a problem, so try one, if it doesn't work discard it and went on with the next. And as you get older your preferences and approaches will change with you and you life will be richer as a result.

It's called living.