the adventure of madness--new-



I strain my brain - struggle-strive-in search for a new mind.Im new to this joint,I can relate to many,many,many, others here-I suffer from chronic anxiety/panic-and on and off agoraphobia-I force myself to go to places.I once forced myself to walk through a shopping mall-it was hell-but a pretty amazing Now-I sit-I wait-and dream one day be a world traveler.

God bless.



Well-known member
Welcome to the board. The odd time you can force yourself to do something difficult like go to the mall, and come back feeling joy and accomplishment is great. I hope you can continue with those efforts, it's very doable! :)


I forced myself to walk through the Zoo alone... Came across a bunch of witty girls, they made a stupid comment. I was about to drop my bag, and go ape on them. But decided to go see dolphins instead. Welcome to the Board!

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Excellent, I welcome you experience seeker. I assure you, you shall meet quite a few bright characters in this place. May your stay here be as beneficial as it is interesting.


Well-known member
I dislike shopping malls. They're rather unpleasant.
But staying behind four walls for long periods of time messes with anyones mind... I know I've suffered for it.

Welcome to the forums.


Super Moderator
It's a good thing to force oneself to go out, it's much healthier than isolation... and isolation makes the problem worse, i think.

Welcome to the site by the way :)


Well-known member
I also joined today... and wow!!! Seems that the inabillity to reach out leads to some magical thoughts.

Welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay!