That feeling


Well-known member
That feeling you get after having a successful and enriching social encounter. I love it. That's why I question whether I'm an introvert or not, if I can be so proud of myself and happy after having a social encounter, am I really not affected by external circumstances?

Do you guys feel that sense of reward after having a good social encounter? How beautiful is that feeling?



I've had that feeling a few times, and it made me question whether I'm an introvert too! People say introverts need to be alone to "recharge" and I have found that being alone does not feel peaceful or restful at all. I have felt very recharged the few times where I've been accepted into a group and actually had a good time.


Well-known member
Ya but then I usually mistake it for friendship etc and overdo it. Things always crumble


Well-known member
I've had that feeling a few times, and it made me question whether I'm an introvert too! People say introverts need to be alone to "recharge" and I have found that being alone does not feel peaceful or restful at all. I have felt very recharged the few times where I've been accepted into a group and actually had a good time.

Same! It keeps me in a great mood for days later!
It's always fulfilling for me. I don't have many social encounters, so when a person actually focuses on me and shows an interest it feels so good. The greatest feeling in the world in my opinion. I just wish it would happen more.


Well-known member
Yes!, when I have a fun chat with someone it makes me feel so happy. All I can think about afterwards is what we'll talk about next time. I wished this happened to me more often.


Well-known member
Oh, I get that feeling too and I love it. It makes me so happy when I can talk to someone fine and not fumble through my words or have any anxiety, be it a short response or a full conversation. :)


Well-known member
Yeah I know that feeling. I think it's called "happiness" or something. It's nice and all, but then there's the opposite feeling... You know that feeling where you feel like you f***ed up and people think you're a dumbass? Yeah, that feeling. I hate it. Sorry for being such a downer. I'll stop writing now.
Yeah I know that feeling. I think it's called "happiness" or something. It's nice and all, but then there's the opposite feeling... You know that feeling where you feel like you f***ed up and people think you're a dumbass? Yeah, that feeling. I hate it. Sorry for being such a downer. I'll stop writing now.

Ah, that feeling? Fuzz that feeling! I wish it would happen a lot less often.


Well-known member
I used to get that feeling after a successful social encounter, but lately the feeling has just been... eh. Whatever, pretty much. It's weird, because before I would feel all happy and giddy afterward, and now I could care less.


Well-known member
Had that feeling yesterday...or was that earlier today? I'm not's 4:30am and I'm staying up all night as I didn't wake up until 5pm yesterday. (Missed a lecture, but meh, it's the start of the year and it's all in the textbook)

Hadn't had a hot meal in a few days (Haha, sounds like I'm a hobo or something...I just really like sandwiches, even for dinner) so thought I'd go for a walk and get a carry out. Walking on my own, in the cool air with my ipod blasting always makes me feel awesome. Had some cashier/customer chit-chat in a few shops and wasn't nervous at all. Really good feeling on the walk back home. I thought to myself "This is what normal people must feel like..."

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Do you guys feel that sense of reward after having a good social encounter? How beautiful is that feeling?

Very much so! Though I still identify as an introvert. My introversion doesn't bother me, my social anxiety does :( Still, I do enjoy being with others and talking, joking around, and stuff. There are just few people I really like enough to spend a lot of time with. Most people get on my nerves, so I need my alone time after a while. I do enjoy meeting new people; it is exciting. All the possibilities. Doesn't happen often unfortunately.


Well-known member
TheTemp, I'm glad that happened to you. It's a very nice feeling.

I usually have passable encounters, but it takes a special one to be really good. I had that today, actually.

It doesn't matter how good the encounter was, I still value my alone-time.


Well-known member
no, I just tend to ruminate over the things that I think went wrong. I really can't remember the last time I walked away from a social encounter feeling good. I had a dream a while back though where I was pretty good at being social. :D