Take care of me


New member
Do any of you want partners who will "take care of you"?and I don't mean giving you money and gifts that stuff doesnt mean anything to me
I mean you just want someone give you a lot attention and you feel like their your best friend
someone who just makes you feel protected/safe someone who doenst mind you clinging to them
they like it :oops:


Well-known member
sweetsixteen said:
Do any of you want partners who will "take care of you"?and I don't mean giving you money and gifts that stuff doesnt mean anything to me
I mean you just want someone give you a lot attention and you feel like their your best friend
someone who just makes you feel protected/safe someone who doenst mind you clinging to them
they like it :oops:

Yes yes yes and more yes! I want someone like that, I thought I found someone like that and I let my guard down and became the opposite of what I was before, then he said I was becoming too cheesy. :roll: I'm always trying to recapture those precious times when he made me feel that way all over again because the alternative makes me feel like there's a black hole in my heart which constantly needs to be filled. Lame I know but what else am I supposed to do when I've had a taste of real love, now my hunger for it is eternal. :twisted:


Well-known member
Yeah definitely, feeling safe and protected is something I want badly, someone to confide in and cuddle with and all that mushy stuff. I want someone to feel the same way about me too.


Well-known member
shit....yea I really do.....I love the title of this topic....."take care of me".....that's just what I need right now......although I'm a bloke so I'm supposet to be the strong one right?!....but I don't need a girlfriend to take care of me....I just need a friendly stranger....like a person who's older and wiser than me to see me and coach me and get the best out of me and protect and guide me.....thats what I would like.....


Well-known member
I *think* most straight guys want a girlfriend that will feel protected and loved by them. I know I do, and I can't imagine it working any other way. I wouldn't want them being too clingy, but within reason, yeah I want a girl who wants to be around me quite often.

Except that there seems to be a lot of girls who act like they don't need any guy in this way in their life. There may be something to it though; I don't think it could be just an act. Girls can easily make more money than guys nowadays (college degree, etc) and be able to build financial security (and therefore health security) for themselves a lot easier than long ago.

This might show might my naivete about girls, but it's worth a topic to talk and ponder about.


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I thrive on attention, and I need it so bad. I'm so desperate for attention, but I just seem to block it off, which doesn't make any sense. I want someone to take care of me. I want attention attention attention. Not from a partner or something because I dont' ever see myself hving one, but just from anyone. I'd like to be pet, and loved, like a dog. That'd be great :lol:.

why don't you see yourself ever having a partner?? That's crazy psychedelicious!!


Well-known member
I'd like an older girl to take care of me... Put an arm around me when i'm cold... clear things up for me in a patient manner, when i'm freaking out... Make me really feel ashamed if i do something wrong... Pamper me with gifts, take me out for social activities... make me become like her and restore my self esteem and my pride... P.S I'm a guy, so dont beat me up cos it's frightfully cheesy... This is a place to vent so here i am...:)...


Active member
off course you want someone to take care of you, it's the basis of a relationship(right? at least to some extent? and at least the part for women.)


what i'm trying to say is
i've learned somewhere that women seek safety in men
and men seek good looks in women(in other words good genes,)


Well-known member
I think everyone wants someone to take care of them but I would want it to be an equal share because I love taking care of people as well. I don't want him to be too clingy and the same goes for me. Just being there for one another and knowing that your each others is all that matters.


For me definatly yes......my gf left me recently and we were very close........all i needed was her and everything was good......i think its a comfort thing.....i got very clingly and needy and iam a guy lol....Now iam going throu hell dealing with the break up and dealing with the usual everyday anxeity.......very lonesome, depressed and lost now.......Fun times :(


Well-known member
For me definatly yes......my gf left me recently and we were very close........all i needed was her and everything was good......i think its a comfort thing.....i got very clingly and needy and iam a guy lol....Now iam going throu hell dealing with the break up and dealing with the usual everyday anxeity.......very lonesome, depressed and lost now.......Fun times :(

Aahhh yes, the feeling of post-break up. Man, sorry to hear that. It will go away, I'm pretty sure.

I've never had a gf, but had girls I dated that stopped talking to me, and I imagine it feels the same.

Keep your head up and brave the storm.
what i'm trying to say is
i've learned somewhere that women seek safety in men
and men seek good looks in women(in other words good genes,)

Women not deemed attractive are genetically unfit? I hate it when people learn their biology from nauseating "common wisdom" stereotypes.

In the real world, the more traditional role actually had men taken care of by women. The man would go off to work all day, and he'd come home to have the woman prepare all his meals and hand him his newspaper, pamper him and live for the purpose of making him happy... at least in the idealized theory.
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Well-known member
I don't know really because I do want to take more responsibility for me life and taking care of things more, than having to be bailed out when things go wrong.


Well-known member
Do any of you want partners who will "take care of you"?and I don't mean giving you money and gifts that stuff doesnt mean anything to me
I mean you just want someone give you a lot attention and you feel like their your best friend
someone who just makes you feel protected/safe someone who doenst mind you clinging to them
they like it :oops:


Awkward Annie

Well-known member
It's more like a mothering role. Someone who loves me unconditionally, that I can be myself around, that will cuddle me when I'm sad, that will be there for me and protect me from the big bad world.