Suicide not the answer? Why not?


Well-known member
Prae said:
Suicide is NEVER the answer. We go when God takes us. If one commits suicide, they cause tremendous pain to their family and friends. That is selfish.
On as spiritual note. The soul is eternal. When one commits suicide they have to start all over the next life. They will recieve the same lessons and circumstances in the previous life they took. They will realize an see all the things they missed out on by taking their own life. You would have much remorse and regret. Trust me on this.
We are more than our body. We are all souls here to learn. To grow spiritually. DO NOT GIVE UP. God gives us nothing we can not handle. Keep the faith and do not be a quitter. God bless! :lol:

Keep your religion to yourself.


Well-known member
Prae said:
Suicide is NEVER the answer. We go when God takes us. If one commits suicide, they cause tremendous pain to their family and friends. That is selfish.
On as spiritual note. The soul is eternal. When one commits suicide they have to start all over the next life. They will recieve the same lessons and circumstances in the previous life they took. They will realize an see all the things they missed out on by taking their own life. You would have much remorse and regret. Trust me on this.
We are more than our body. We are all souls here to learn. To grow spiritually. DO NOT GIVE UP. God gives us nothing we can not handle. Keep the faith and do not be a quitter. God bless! :lol:
Never heard of the starting the next life thing before. :?


Well-known member
if you believe in karma then that would apply to suicide to, its bad karma i suppose.

this is why you are still a kid, you heard of yin and yang? the oppisites? the reason why the world doesnt come to a stop, where everyone is killing eachother and there is anarchy (cant spell that ha) is because there are horrible people, and there are nice people. we all operate in difference worlds in one big world, sub cultures etc. all these variety of people keep the world spinning, we need rich countries like the US or UK to maintain that poor ones like africia stay poor. btw if it werent for the US (assuming ur US or UK) being the way it was you wouldnt have this pc right now to type on this forum, or a car or bus to get to school , even 10% of the food you have, 3 meals a day is more than we need, its over consumption. if the whole world lived how me and u live, then there wouldnt be enough resources, its not evil...its life or the food chain. dont think for a minute africia wouldnt have it the other way round where UK and US was starving and they lived like we do, coz they would, its human nature.
so you have people causing shit like politics etc the people cleaning up the shit like charitys. then the people doing fuck all just moaning that its shit. hmmmm. get a job.


Well-known member
ya know it makes alot of people angery. people do more for you than you think, people like police, hospials, fire brigade, electricity plants right now powering your house, the list is endless. then you got people feeling sorry for emselfs wanting to end there lifes, doing fuck all for any one. if everyone done that, we would all be in huts with absalute fuck all, we wouldnt have technology, medicine or anything. think about that one.


Marie_knowsbest said:
ya know it makes alot of people angery. people do more for you than you think, people like police, hospials, fire brigade, electricity plants right now powering your house, the list is endless. then you got people feeling sorry for emselfs wanting to end there lifes, doing fuck all for any one. if everyone done that, we would all be in huts with absalute fuck all, we wouldnt have technology, medicine or anything. think about that one.

Sometimes I think we would be better off without all this. They do more bad than good and if they happen to do some good, they do it for money or career advancement. Besides civilization progress and technology advancement destroys nature, animals are dying out etc. etc. It destroys our health too with mobile phones and other unnecessary shit. I am for going back to caves.


Well-known member
strawberrybrunette said:
I've always thought that suicide, as a concept, is a wonderful thing..

Have you no respect for life? You would so easily condone the murder of someone? All life has potiential for healing mentally, to move past their time of depression and pain, to kill this is to murder that potential and there for... life. Depression blinds all hope and can lead to suicide, but it is through having no true respect for themselves or others that it is considered.

Prea said:
On as spiritual note. The soul is eternal. When one commits suicide they have to start all over the next life.

For as respects whoever is joined to all the living there exists confidence, because a live dog is better off than a dead lion. For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun. ~ Ecclesiastes 9:4-6 NWT


Well-known member
Doomed2Die said:
strawberrybrunette said:
I've always thought that suicide, as a concept, is a wonderful thing..

Have you no respect for life? You would so easily condone the murder of someone? All life has potiential for healing mentally, to move past their time of depression and pain, to kill this is to murder that potential and there for... life. Depression blinds all hope and can lead to suicide, but it is through having no true respect for themselves or others that it is considered.
I can't understand the concept of respect for life. With no after life thoughts... killing someone would not be any thing at all if the process involves no suffering (say hit in the head by a tank shell), and no one cares about the loss of the person. But IRL there's almost always someone who cares for everyone. But for those who does not have anyone, death is no big thing.

Doomed2Die said:
Prea said:
On as spiritual note. The soul is eternal. When one commits suicide they have to start all over the next life.

For as respects whoever is joined to all the living there exists confidence, because a live dog is better off than a dead lion. For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun. ~ Ecclesiastes 9:4-6 NWT
Interresting. :?


Well-known member
you keep saying to end the suffering? it aint like you've got a axe stuck in your back and you actusaly screming with agony, or being raped everyday, starving, having bullets shot at ya. i think some people oughta get a grip here.
its not nice having and type of mental issue, and yeh its frustrating and makes you miserable, but its not the end of the world. we all have something that gets us down in life! the reason why its probs worse is coz you compare life and percieve life from what others do with their lifes, have friends, jobs, college, boy friends etc and think oh my lifes shit coz i havent got that, stop comparing your life to other peoples, its yours, do what YOU want to do with it. if you do want those things, they take alot of work and years to build up friendships etc so u got a circle of people to share your life with. so u gotta stop feeling sory for yaself, which is what suicide is in reality, try ur best to work through SA etc u might never be 100% cured, but u can make changes that minimizes its effects for sure, and then u might not need to big up suicide like its a sport and need excuses to why suicide is ok.


Well-known member
Why this fanatic view that life is something super special that one is not allowed to destroy? Again just because you don't have it worst does not mean your life is worth living. Eveyone has their bar on how good life must be to be worth living. You don't have to be at the most bottom area to loose the ambition to live. Telling that other's have it worse and that one should apreciate life like it's some big gift makes no sense. No one asked for the gift since you don't exist if you don't get it. So it's nothing you can feel happy to have. Why people look at other's lives is because they wish their own was as good as the other peoples. Getting those good things in life takes much longer if even possible for people like us. If life is not good enough then it's not worth living. Stop seeing it as some glorious gift.


Well-known member
well i see it from a glourious point of view because i love my life and the thought of it ending is the most awful thing possible to me. so naturally im pro life. just like ur so miserable u love suicide. yeh but its easy looking at someone and thinking wow their life is well good from an outside perspective, but you dont know what they been through and what they seen and how they feel about their own life. life isnt good because of reasons, like u have a good life because u have money.its as good as you feel it is by achieving the things you want.

having your own bar is ridiculous, its like saying my life wouldnt be worth living if i had blonde hair because thats my threash hold of how much i can take, to me thats stupid reason to die, but to somene else it might not be. but would u support them that they should commit suicide?


Well-known member
People aren't suicidal meerly because they are selfish, they are suicidal because they can't cope... Also, we all have different resources (both internal and external) to help us cope, and some have fewer than others... So just because one person can deal with a problem doesn't mean a different person can... Some of us are thrown over the edge more easily than others when faced with various stresses.

I work as a preschool teacher for at-risk kids... We seek out those who are abused, whose parents have drug/alcohol addictions or mental illnesses, who have parents who are in prison, who are living in extreme poverty, etc, etc... In that sense I devout my life to helping others. I am a vegetarian because I don't want to contribute to the suffering of other creatures... I avoid buying from companies that employ sweat shop labor (which unfortunately we can't entirely escape), I do my best to give my son a good life and lots of love... I DO care about others, but quite frankly, I suck at caring about (and for) myself. I go to bed every night wishing that I could kill myself, not so much because the world has failed me but because I lack the internal strength and capacity to deal with life, but I go on living because I don't want to hurt the people who love me.

I guess my point is, most people aren't going around saying that they want to kill themselves because they think death is such a great thing, they are saying it because their hope is already dead and they see it as the lesser of evils... As the one option that might actually reduce their suffering when everything else has failed. And while suicide its self might be a selfish act, it's really more about a depletion of resources for coping than it is about being selfish.

Also, I was first hit with major depression/suicidal thoughts at 16... I have had my ups and downs since then, but a decade later it's not truly better. Depression impacts people of all ages.


Well-known member
I don't love suicide I would say but I don't see it as a big bad thing. It should be something normal. Why is the bar thing ridiculous? Eveyone wants several things in life to find it good enough. I myself see no reason to live if there would be no entertainment in one's life for example. If I had all good things in life but I was bored all the time then I would not see it good enough. Why do you want to have something that isn't good enough?

Btw I see death as better than life in general. I consider no suffering and no desire for pleasure > suffering and pleasure.


Well-known member
Kien said:
I don't love suicide I would say but I don't see it as a big bad thing. It should be something normal. Why is the bar thing ridiculous? Eveyone wants several things in life to find it good enough. I myself see no reason to live if there would be no entertainment in one's life for example. If I had all good things in life but I was bored all the time then I would not see it good enough. Why do you want to have something that isn't good enough?

Btw I see death as better than life in general. I consider no suffering and no desire for pleasure > suffering and pleasure.

well i find you very child like with a very immature attitude to life, suffering is a part of life, you cant be happy all the time, and suffering builds character, i would not be the person i am today without my past, particulary the shit times. ive suffetred. did i want to die, no. grow a fucking spine.


Well-known member
If I had been an atheist, I would have probably agreed with Kien 1000%. From an atheist point of view it just doesn't make sense to live a life full of pain and misery.


Well-known member
Kien said:
Btw I see death as better than life in general. I consider no suffering and no desire for pleasure > suffering and pleasure.

Kien your not kidding anyone with posts like that. Your on a support forum! If you truly mean what you say then you would already be dead (or at least, not posting on a support forum)


Well-known member
Doomed2Die said:
Kien your not kidding anyone with posts like that. Your on a support forum! If you truly mean what you say then you would already be dead (or at least, not posting on a support forum)
Are you serious? He is by far not the only person here who wish he/she were dead, or was never born in the first place...


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
Doomed2Die said:
Kien your not kidding anyone with posts like that. Your on a support forum! If you truly mean what you say then you would already be dead (or at least, not posting on a support forum)
Are you serious? He is by far not the only person here who wish he/she were dead, or was never born in the first place...

There is just no logic in what he is saying.

You have hope for yourself (Kien), otherwise you would not be posting on a support forum. And if you didnt have hope for life, as you say you do not, you would certainly not be posting here.


Argamemnon said:
Doomed2Die said:
Kien your not kidding anyone with posts like that. Your on a support forum! If you truly mean what you say then you would already be dead (or at least, not posting on a support forum)
Are you serious? He is by far not the only person here who wish he/she were dead, or was never born in the first place...

Yes, why so serious? I think everybody here has some philosophy and world view, if its right or wrong, who can judge? That´s why people discuss together to share their views, argue about it etc. If only one view was allowed, or things that are allowed to say and others not, it would not be any discussion.