Suicide not the answer? Why not?


I wonder if this topic has helped endoflife to decide if suicide really is the answer or not(if endoflife still alive). I hope this topic somehow affected endoflife for the better.

Btw, according to the Terms&Conditions here, suicide topics aren't even permitted. How did this one come into being then without the moderators' attention? Are there particular exceptions to what we can discuss on suicide? I'm confused... :?


Well-known member
My advice is to try every single method at your disposal to help yourself before making that final decision, because i know alot of cases of people who lived full lives and a little incident caused them to end it, so certain people blow things out of proportion and react to the extreme, i just believe the only real justification of suicide is when there is no possible way to end the pain, and that is a stretch too ..

unless you are someone like hitler, you cna always turn things around in my books ..

of course in the midst of dark times its easy to become set on it being a solution

i believe that you want to kill off your unhappy or negative mindset rather then your actual physical and mental self..

its like i don't understand why people cut themselves, ive been depressed before but my way of venting is to stay longer in bed or to punch a tree trunk(i dont own a punching bag) ...everyone is different


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I think it is about time for this board to literally... DIE!!! :D. It's just too much.

message boards have 9 lives though, you didn't know this? :p


Is it really okay to say that suicide is a good thing or a bad thing? It has to be one or the other. But to be honest, I don't even know which. Human morality is more complex and ambiguous than I ever thought it to be when I was younger. Well you do learn more about some things as you get older.

Like what you said in your post, endoflife, maybe suicide can serve as a potential "savior" for a considerable number(or even just one) of negative reasons that someone faces in their life.

I suppose if suicide really is the only way to relieve pain, then maybe its not as bad as society claims it to be. But I'm not the one who has the right to say "suicide is right, do it" or to say "suicide is wrong, don't even think about it" because I'm just as human as you are. But what I do believe is that you can honestly do whatever you want with your life.

I get so tired of hearing some people say to suicidal people "your life is not yours to take" because its their life to begin with. So why can't they take their own life if they want to then?

Anyways I'm really just too stupid and young to advise anyone on anything. If I felt wise I don't think I would have came to this site looking for help(and I still am).


Well-known member
I think that suicide can be the best option for SOME people, but it's never "good."

I don't think that suicide is the best option for everyone who considers it, though.

Depression is a disease... In some cases it's treatable... In other cases it's not. Our minds and bodies respond to different treatment options in different ways.

I think that as a last resort, when all other treatment options have failed, suicide can be the best thing for the person suffering.

Of course, that still has to be weighted against the harm it will do to loved ones. At some point I do think it's selfish of others to ask someone to live when their life is that painful, in the same way it's selfish to keep someone with a terminal illness alive when they are suffering and don't want to go on... It's just hard to REALLY know where that point is.

Even if suicide is the best option for some people, I think it's always incredibly sad...


VioletTears said:
I think that suicide can be the best option for SOME people, but it's never "good."

I don't think that suicide is the best option for everyone who considers it, though.

Depression is a disease... In some cases it's treatable... In other cases it's not. Our minds and bodies respond to different treatment options in different ways.

I think that as a last resort, when all other treatment options have failed, suicide can be the best thing for the person suffering.

Of course, that still has to be weighted against the harm it will do to loved ones. At some point I do think it's selfish of others to ask someone to live when their life is that painful, in the same way it's selfish to keep someone with a terminal illness alive when they are suffering and don't want to go on... It's just hard to REALLY know where that point is.

Even if suicide is the best option for some people, I think it's always incredibly sad...

I agree with everything you said here VioletTears. This is what I wanted to say...Yes last resorts like suicide certainly aren't desirable but I believe some creatures(including humans of course) are better dead than to continue to suffer while alive. And that's why its so sad. Its almost like a person such as that wasn't meant to be alive to begin with.


Well-known member
chris420 said:
Nice post. If someone chooses to kill themselves in case of a terminal illness it is after careful, rational consideration based on hopeless circumstances, whereas suicide where freedom of choice, health, etc remains has to be irrational...

It all comes down to perception for sure.trouble with depression is it obscures perception so objectivity is down to a minimum. No-one is totally objective of course (not even the terminally-ill patient, making that decision) but a depressed person is probably seeing far, far less of how things really are than the average person, so they are in a terrible position to make any kind of decision, let alone whether to end their own life.

Yeah that's a good point. The illness itself causes the irrational judgement which leads the sufferer to believe that she has "tried everything" or that "nothing will work for me," etc.

It makes me think of Hunter S. Thompson, shot himself at like sixty-something. He seemed drug-fucked of course, but not unhappy or depressed exactly. Of course I've never met him personally, so I can't say for sure, but it would seem somehow wrong to me if his family had had him committed or something after hearing about his plans. He wanted to die at 64 (or whatever) so he did. Who am I to tell him he can't, ya know?


New member
well if i had of gone through with it when i felt that low i wouldnt be here and having the great life i do now. blushing was my main problem. i blushed at everything. but there are ways of reducing it and even curing it. like for example. dont give up

try anything before you even think of suicide. life is to precious.

if u r dead it has beaten u. so you beat it instead. and be strong


Well-known member
Oh my god I am so so sorry!!! :cry:

I totally forgot I had made this thread and I am so sorry to anybody who thought I killed myself. My situation is not any better but I am still alive. It boiled down to me not having the guts to kill myself. I have held a cocked crossbow to my temple on multiple occasions but have never actually been able to pull the trigger. I guess I was hoping to "slip". I can't promise that I won't do that again, but for now, I am still here and I am terribly sorry to anybody who was worrying over me. And thanks for all the advice, I will read through everything.


Well-known member
Im pretty close to the edge.Just lost the one friend i have. Sucks to see him hang out with his 50 friends and just get along with everyone. Ive missed highschool so i just like have no humor i don't know whats funny, Ive missed socializing with all the teenagers. Im pretty miserable:( I just wish i wasnt so far behind, i feel like i have no chance at all to be normal. Havent been t any highschool/college parties ugh life sucks . I feel suicide is worthy in some cases. But its best to try your best before you give up. But yeah Kill this thread;)!!!


endoflife said:
Oh my god I am so so sorry!!! :cry:

I totally forgot I had made this thread and I am so sorry to anybody who thought I killed myself. My situation is not any better but I am still alive. It boiled down to me not having the guts to *****. I have held a cocked crossbow to my temple on multiple occasions but have never actually been able to pull the trigger. I guess I was hoping to "slip". I can't promise that I won't do that again, but for now, I am still here and I am terribly sorry to anybody who was worrying over me. And thanks for all the advice, I will read through everything.

Well it's good to hear you're still ok...

Why do you even own a crossbow? And do they really cock? I thought only guns did that.