The first three sentences were there to grab attention.. And I'm glad they served their purpose.
What some of you don't understand is that just a week ago one of my childhood friends committed suicide. Do you think I laughed? Do you think anyone could laugh at something like that?
No, whatever reasons you might find, when it really comes down to it suicide is the worst way out of your life problems.
Problems can be solved, but the fact that your parents, siblings and friends will lose someone they love can never be changed. And beyond that one needs to understand that there are two different solutions to every problem:
1. band aid solution
2. real solution
Band aid solutions are those that can be categorized as "quick fixes", "magic pills" and are a quick way out of your problem without really solving anything. Suicide fits in this category. It doesn't solve anything, it just ends the pain.
Now real solutions are solutions that deal with the core of the problem. Lets say you want to lose 100 pounds in one month. I mean, let's be sane here, you know it's not possible to do it so quickly. But let's suppose you still want to do it. Will you commit suicide because it's not possible to solve the problem in one month? No.. you will accept it might take more then one month to achieve your goal and you'll start working toward it. It's that simple.
The harsh truth is that for any change energy is needed. And another harsh truth is that change is usually slow.
See, deep change is by it's nature slow. But you can see small improvements in a matter of days.
Suicide ,for some people is the most courageous thing to do,because you are going against your most strong instinct,to protect yourself no matter what,the pain of a person who decides to commit suicide and actually does must be unbearable to go against such basic instinct.
Wrong. While it's true that some degree of courage is needed to do it, the truth be told: suicide is not a courageous thing to do.
And why is that? It's because suicide means running away from problems instead of facing them, it means to inflict pain in the people that are close to you, it means to stop fighting, it means to admit defeat...
Let me tell you whats courageous:
Facing your fears when all odds are against you.
Admitting that you might not know the answer and asking for help.
Fighting each and every day and pursuing your dreams.
Not letting anything to keep you from living your life to its fullest.
Never admitting defeat.
Taking right action and constantly improving yourself.
And most of all: Never ever ever stopping trying.
I mean think about it... There are people encouraging eachothers to do suicide and looking for reasons why it's okay to do it??
See, what you don't understand is that YOU ARE BEING VERY PATRONISING.
Speaking from a personal point of view, if i had the strength and willpower inside me to change the way i am, i would have done it by now.
It's true, willpower itself will rarely help you achieve something. How many people can "will" themselves to stop smoking?
But you can have a standard for yourself. You can decide to get this part of your life handled no matter what.
And you can search for solutions from there.
Small improvements applied daily will create extraordinary results over time.