Suicide not the answer? Why not?


Don't you just hate it when people bombard you with hope replies..jeezes f#cking christ, do i simply detest people with hope.

Hope= LIE. That's what it is, it's a freaking lie and i can't lie anymore..i simply can't,kudos to those that can because only like 10% of you are gonna make it (like be "happy",if that exists), the others will wound up in their thirties or forties working like a slave thinking they will have an ordinary life..but they won't..haha it's GENIUS! :p

It has come to this that a 17 year old wants to go back to the lying matrix but he simply can't...he has seen what is real for him and suicide makes sense...why not? Life ends anyways and the meaningless suffering outweighs the potential happiness


Take a chance, Suffer some more..see how things play out and you might be one of the 10%, if not there will always be guns.

aaah felt good :wink:

endoflife said:
Committing suicide cons:
-May cause temporary pain to the small amount of family members that care about me.

Dude, if that "con" isn't stopping you then I know that you have no comprehension whatsoever of how bad pain can be. But I guess your family would soon know.

If you hate yourself so much how can you possibly trust your own advice.

Looking at your post I'd say you tried to look at things scientifically (beyond yourself). But dude, that post is as biased as.


Well-known member
Pinker said:
I'm slightly worried this guy hasn't posted since.

I was worried the moment I read his last line.

Volaju wrote:
Hope= LIE.

Maybe to you, but you're still alive, so there must be something in life.
I know I'm very hopeful, even stupidly so. But I keep trying to spread it. Because... Okay, so the world sucks. Hardly anyone lives somewhere that isn't incredibly poor or horribly materialistic or both, and that's really sad. I could go on listing bad things for a long time. But there are good things in the world, and if you hate it, why don't you try to become one of those good things? Help someone. Do something. Whatever. Anything can work. Yes, I do believe in the butterfly effect even for things like this. Also, compare how many people posted with hope with how many people posted with an argument against it. That must say something.

endoflife, if you're still there I hope (am I supposed to use another word here, Volaju?) you notice how many people want you to keep trying, and really do care.

shinji_ikari wrote:
If you hate yourself so much how can you possibly trust your own advice.

Good question. Not that, as is pointed out, we're unbiased, but you should consider that.


Well-known member
Why suicide is not the answer and why not? Well, because to tell you the truth we don't know if God is even real or any God from any other religion, thus if you exterminate yourself prematurely, theres 99% chance that you'll cease to exist completely. You'll become 0, and become just temporary memories that will eventually fade away with time. So just try to live the life that you have right now , it may seem hard but your just 17.

Volaju if this guys has SAD, he will complete my theory that people with are SAD are assholes lol

I'll bet they'll find a cure in another 20 to 50 years, is the century of the brain you guys did'nt know. ;)


Accepting that life is a hell can do wonders, because that is what life is. I accept it, and live on..i'm kinda used to the suffering and not hoping for anything is kinda relieving. Yeah It's a defeatist attitude but there's less suffering then trying to fight yourself,beat yourself up for something that might never happen.

Helping others? No..i rather spend it helping myself. Selfish, but life already pretty much sucks so if i can read a book,watch tv..then that's what i'm gonna do instead of helping starved guys on the street.

About the kid, trust me..he will not catch the bus, he only wanted to know that he wasn't alone in this kind of thinking,but sadly he's being treated like an outcast..even among outcasts.

I'm out peace.


Well-known member
So Volaju your saying we should all be like, hey suicide is awesome, we all should go and do it now. are you for real, of course it's not right, he's 17 fcs, you say Hope=Lie, are you a psychic, do you have some time travelling machine in your basement, how are we to know what is around the corner, hope is the only thing keeping me grounded to the fact that everything could be okay in the future, how are we to know that one day this guy isn't going to get over his problems, fall in love, settle down and have kids. life is life, be grateful that your here, we all have our problems, but life is precious, even though it might not seem it at times. i hope this kid is okay!


Well-known member
Suicide is a common problem in my family given my uncle and cousin are both dead while another cousin tried to. I myself have thought about it. I even thought about it today - overdosing on Xanax and Valium to put myself to sleep. I hate where I live and my position in life generally but there is something there to look forward to, whatever that may be. If someone is feeling suicidal let someone know that is my advice. I hope the poster did. I told my parents and got put in hospital and given Largactil with valium straight away.


Well-known member
Have you ever asked your mother and grandmother if they think of you as a parasitic leech?

My guess is that you feel like this, but they do not. And if they haven't said anything to this effect than you don't really know how they feel, because you are not a mind-reader.

These are problems that can be solved.

You can get a job and pay your mother and grandmother back. You can eventually move out.

A woman will not solve any of your problems, as I have a girlfriend and still have mental health issues that cause me great pain every day of my life. In fact, it could be considered worse having a girlfriend as it's one more person I am expected to "live for" (one more person I could potentially let down, one more person who would be sad if I killed myself, etc.)

As corny as it sounds, you don't need a woman to make you complete.

Probably the biggest reason I'd have not to kill yourself is simple: Things may get worse, but then again they may get better. They may get a lot better! You may find a woman, hell you may win the lottery or something. Your life may do a complete 180. But if you kill yourself, you'll never know.


Well-known member
My uncle committed suicide and considering the toll it took on my family the first reason I'd give you not to commit suicide is that it's bloody selfish. By solving your problem in this way you leave behind a heck of a huge problem for everyone around you that will take them years to deal with.


Well-known member
I will not say suicide is a bad thing because I would be lying. I don't really see it as a bad thing. I admire people who has that opinion with absolutely no doubt or uncertainty. If I say it is a bad thing, there would be a huge tone of uncertainty and doubt in voice.

I think if you commit suicide you would be assuming your failure, that requires courage. I think the feeling is that you at least did something, you didn't stay indiferent, and SA at least for me has something to do with staying indiferent about everything. We never assume a position in anything and maybe suicide by being something that requires action can redeem you.

The bad thing is when you do it you will know for sure that there is absolutely no more chance to change the situation. I think it is unfair because even when we don't do it, everything is telling us that there is no chance. Everything is telling us that you killing yourself will make no difference since you never had a change, and suddenly suicide is bad. That really sucks !

My alternative escape is die fightining against SA, do everything you can to change it and never accept the situation. We only fight when we know we have a chance. Do not go out thinking about winning, go out wihout care that happen to you, maybe we deserve the suffering we are always trying to avoid. Maybe that suffering kills you. Good, so now you now there was nothing you could do to change.

I always wanted to have the courage to die for my situation. I do not want SA even if its impossible to change it. Life would be just too stupid if there is no chance, and maybe it is.


Well-known member
About the kid, trust me..he will not catch the bus, he only wanted to know that he wasn't alone in this kind of thinking,but sadly he's being treated like an outcast..even among outcasts.

Wow, you made me feel like a terrible person. But if he really wasn't ready to kill himself, then where is he? Maybe he's sitting at his computer watching us panic and laughing... or maybe he lost internet access somehow... or maybe he doesn't care about this post... but I won't believe it until I hear it from him.

Atlantis: I believe also that suicide takes some kind of courage at times, but more often it's hopelessness. I have enormous respect for anyone who dies for a cause, but it has to be public. The issue with "dying for SA" is that nobody would know and nothing would change. It might mean something to you, but what about the rest of the world? I respect the people who keep fighting even to the point of death, but that death has to mean something or you've just wasted a life, in my view. (My greatest fear is to die without having done anything meaningful, in case you're wondering why I keep talking about change.)

Because you'll burn in hell, duh!

I hope there aren't many religious people here, or I'll be chased off the site with torches and pitchforks for this. Something about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is that the afterlife looks better than life for plenty of people... if they've done things right. So to stop people from trying to get to heaven more quickly by killing themselves, the religious leaders made suicide a sin. Or, less cynically, you could look at it that suicide is murder, and murdering anyone else is a sin, so murdering yourself should be, too. But I don't think this is what we should be discussing here. Hell isn't going to stop a seriously depressed person from considering suicide. Sorry, _Brittany_


Well-known member
There is no such thing as eternal torment in a fiery hell, it's a lie and is not in the bible. A loving god cannot abide torture.

And suicide... there has been many suicide topics in the past here on SPW, it's simple thing really. There is always the chance of things getting better, and thats better than no chance. It is not the answer to anything.
You sound exactly like me. What's so bad about dying? I mean it's not the WORST thing that can happen to you, and it ain't like you'll know you miss anything. That's me though, I am not advising anyone to do that. Take into consideriation that my life is truly shittier than at least most people on here.


Well-known member
Two reasons why you should never commit suicide;

It could ruin your familly's life beyond belief.

You could go to a worse place if you die.

But suicide is a very tempting option like a bright white light drawing us in you must try to use your mental strength and discipline to resist suicidal thoughts. How are you doing now? Still alive I hope. :roll:


Well-known member
suicide is a cop out. any body who commits suicide is pissing on life itself, and should be fucking thankful they were given a life! lots of children dont live long enough to make these choices themselves.

say your sitting in heaven...on a nice clowd. a ghose of a child says to you how did you die? you reply well i killed myself, life just wasnt for me, and u ask the child how did you die? the child replys a drink driver knocked me over on a crossing. what would you say to that child?

life is not a joke. it is very real. appreaciate every minute of it, hold on to it likes its the most precious thing in this world. you dont get a second go. if your life is that shit you want to commit suicide, do something about it, dont take your life and take the piss out of people and familys who have lost people tragicly.


Well-known member
Why be thankful for living? If you don't live then you do not miss or want anything. You can't be thankful for being alive.

What is this crazy view of life as something sacred?? It's the one thing that is your own, do whayever you want with it. It's the one thing that no one else should care about if you destroy it (unless you don't want them to care of course.).