Some people are rude...


Well-known member
So yesterday someone invited me to 'hang out' with them and a couple of their acquaintances and my mother heard about it and force me to go so... I was forced to get out of my house and socialize with a group of people my age that I barely met with the exception of one person who I already knew
So one of the conversations started with different kinds of music genre most said rap, hip hop, metal, and Country... I stayed quiet through the whole conversation until someone asked me what kind of music do I listen to (I started to kinda freak out a little i'm not used to talking to a group of people and I think I made it kinda obvious) I said I listen to death core, heavy metal, thrash metal and one person interrupted me and said "how can you call that **** music?" I staid quiet...
The subject change... And everyone started talking about their favorite movie most of them said titanic, the notebook, and the life of pi I said Texas chainsaw massacre the beginning and someone asked me "what the **** how can you like that movie ? It has too much blood in it and the ending sucked" that person got me a bit mad and made me want to leave more than I already wanted
Sadly I had to stay so once again the subject change this time to the walking dead everyone was talking about their favorite characters and their favorite parts of the episodes and they asked me if I watch it I said no ...this one person said to me "you are so weird how can you not watch the walking dead ? and you've been quiet almost the whole time through out this day we barely got like at least 10 words out of you every time the subject change and you like weird stuff like really who listens to thrash metal? You seem to be a boring person and you seem a bit fat it's probably because you don't go out much right because a person like you seems to have no friends to go out with "... And that's when I said "If you haven't notice this is the reason why I don't like to socialize with people they judge,criticize, and hurt others " then I left the place and decided to walk home (even though walking takes two hours to get to my house)
Why are people so mean?
Why do they want you to be just like them ? Why do humans have that one feeling in criticizing and judging something or someone that is a bit different from them ?


Well-known member
It's nice that you said that and left. I just only hope this person gets the worse of it. He/she needs it.


Well-known member
I can't believe they would say that..I've been told that by "bullies" at school when I was younger , but not by a group of people you're trying to interact with and socialize with (well, not that harshly). Tch, people...Anyway, don't let this get to you, I know it's tough...I've had my share of humiliation and rejections...and ridiculous snarky comments. Many people like things that are out of the norm; I also like texas chainsaw massacre and SAW and many more thrillers of that genre and Metal core and rock music, etc. These people don't know what they're talking about. Hats off to you for throwing that comment at that mean person and leaving right after. :3 Very admirable.


not actually Fiona Apple
Just like you (and I) have a hard time understand what would make a person act like that, they are probably equally confused to how someone like ourselves act the way we do. How old are the people you were with? When we're younger a lot of times we are egocentric, and don't realize that what we think and what we like isn't the standard the rest of the world goes by and that other people liking different things doesn't make them weird or that there is something wrong with them. The fact that you don't watch the walking dead probably makes you part of the majority actually, it's just in that person's little world the idea of anyone not liking this show they like and all their friends like is "weird."

Before long this person is going to realize that some things they think aren't right and that they make mistakes, and their interests and opinions are not law. When they do they'll feel silly for not holding their tongue at times like these.


Well-known member
to be able to speak your mind and leave in the presents of a rude person takes a very strong character, well done


Well-known member
They were all about 16-18 and the one that was being the most rude at the end was a 21 year old
And I guess After this experience I have no interest whatsoever in interacting,communicating, or socializing with others in the outside world it just made me dislike people even more I also don't see the need in going out with people and discussing really unuseful topics... I would rather talk about the government or talk about my favorite philosopher Socrates than talking about music genre, favorite movies, or other stuff like that ...
No matter how much I just want to be left alone in my room there is always someone forcing me to come out and interact with others outside my house... It gets annoying


Well-known member
They were all about 16-18 and the one that was being the most rude at the end was a 21 year old
And I guess After this experience I have no interest whatsoever in interacting,communicating, or socializing with others in the outside world it just made me dislike people even more I also don't see the need in going out with people and discussing really unuseful topics... I would rather talk about the government or talk about my favorite philosopher Socrates than talking about music genre, favorite movies, or other stuff like that ...
No matter how much I just want to be left alone in my room there is always someone forcing me to come out and interact with others outside my house... It gets annoying

I understand your anger and frustration, I too have had horrible things happen to me and I too really dislike rude people, but if you isolate yourself your're missing interation with nice people, its a very difficult thing, I can not take my daughter to school anymore as im conviced the other parents dislike me lol I sound flippin mental, Its just too hard for people like us to brush off the things that hurt us


Well-known member
This is why I don't tell people I listen to Pokemon or read manga. These people seem like the wrong crowd to hang out with. Too bad they don't appreciate the qualities that you have. It's their loss.


Well-known member
This is why I keep things to myself. My friends couldn't tell you what music I like. I don't bother to talk about it. There are a couple of singers I would love to see in concert but a part of me is hoping they never come here because I wouldn't have anyone to go with. I like some artists that are quite popular but no matter what you listen to, there's always going to be someone who doesn't like it and has to call you out on it. I was even talking to someone from this site (of all places) and when he asked me what music I like and I mentioned a particular singer he said, "Ewww." Like, I don't care if you don't agree with me but I don't appreciate reactions like that. "I'm not a fan," or "That's not my thing," would suffice. There are plenty of artists I dislike, many of whom are very popular, but I don't go around knocking them to their fans.


Well-known member
A lot of people are ignorant and narrow minded. They are unable to comprehend that other people have different opinions or cultural tastes. I do my best to find common interests with people I know. It's difficult because my tastes are usually not mainstream, common or trendy.

I appreciate that people like different things. I try to take an interest in what people talk to me about even if it is something I am not usually interested in. If people aren't interested in what I'm into I let it go. I can usually tell when people are bored or confused by what I am talking about. Nevermind.

The Lost

Well-known member
They just have a different opinion. I keep most of my interests private for the same reason, since most of them are of a similar nature. When people ask what I listen to, they hear the first two bands and demand I stop... so shallow, they haven't even heard the music =P. If someone asks me what I'm into, I work my way outwards from the more 'acceptable' things. If they're that rude, f*ck them. I get people rolling their eyes or scowling, but that's fine, I would probably react the same towards some of their interests. It's important that people have a variety of interests, keeps the world spinning, despite the inconvenience for the fanboys/fangirls and narrows in this world.


Well-known member
It's an ugly part of human nature but whenever a group is together there will always be at least one person who the group leaders (alphas) will try to put down. Nobody else in the group will stand up to them because they are afraid of becoming ostracized, themselves. Those people obviously realized you weren't comfortable and decided to trash every opinion you offered even though you didn't try to force it on them. In fact, they asked you. If you observe any group of people there will always be a hiarchy (sp?). There are the alphas, second lieutenants, betas and foot soldiers. If you don't fit any of those positions, you will be deemed an outcast and made to feel as such if you let them get close to you. It's perfectly okay for you to remain apart from "the group" as you are more of a lone wolf (or gamma) type. Please continue to try interacting with others but on an individual basis. It's tough for us but important for our social development and mental health. Try to stay away from groups or packs of people. If interacting with a group is unavoidable, keep your distance and make your interaction as brief as necessary. If they feel you are seeking their acceptance, it will only encourage them to treat you any way they feel. Good for you for having the courage to walk away. You took the power away from them by maintaining your dignity. A two hour walk is a small price to pay to maintain your self worth.
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Well-known member
I'm not surprised at all by what anyone said in that conversation.

It's not just some people that are rude, it's a lot of people that are rude, and it's like that wherever you go.

The most hypocritical thing that person said to you was calling you weird for not liking The Walking Dead. You should have been like, "oh, so I'm weird for not being a nerd and watching every episode of a television show? Yeah, you guys are real social watching that much television."

I'm assuming these people you were talking to were young considering their immaturity, right? Probably below 19 years of age?

Anyway, narrow-minded narcissists like that group should just be avoided. They think everyone should be like them and think like them, they'll just wind up making you feel like shat and you are actually better off by yourself tbh.


Well-known member
they are young, and just beyond stupid. blame it on their upbringing, I don't know.

what I tell my kiddos, is to always find common ground. ask questions, and notice details. even if you don't initially care for the topic or interest, find out more to see why the person you are talking to is passionate about it. once you have this info, you might change your mind about the topic, maybe enough to go find out more. my favorite thing to do is to hit on a topic an acquaintance is crazy about and watch them light up as they talk. its amazing to watch someone transform in front of your eyes. I am just saying this so you know there really are others who don't act like this.

you did the right thing by walking off. good for you!!!!