Should i shave my head?


Well-known member
Do you have long hair????

I have long hair and sometimes i would think about wanting to shave simply because im in a bit of a bad mood and i cant be bothered with it anymore lol

But i know if i ever did i would really regret it.. But then again it would always grow back...

Have a serious think about it before you do it, thats what i suggest, i know this is probably know help at all :/


Well-known member
Do you have a decent-shaped head? I actually like it when men shave their heads or just keep their hair really short. It looks bad-ass. Especially if they have facial hair.

My hubby is like this but i think it just looks scruffy lol... not that im bothered by it


Well-known member
Its a decision your only gunna know you've fecked up till its too late. I went from having shoulder long hair to skin head.

I'm growing it back now but I'm seriously gunna miss the low maintenance. How many people can say "I've just been through a car wash and my hairs still looking as good?" lol


Well-known member
i did it too... i had longer hair than in my display pic and one day just went to a salon and shaved my hair number 2

for a while it was cool... the low maintenance and everything... not worrying about strong winds blowing hair all over the place...

but now i miss it... im planning on growing it back...


Well-known member
I think about it sometimes but I have really long hair, and I know how much it sucks to grow it out. If I ended up not liking it short, it would take years to get back to where I am now.


Well-known member
I think about it sometimes but I have really long hair, and I know how much it sucks to grow it out. If I ended up not liking it short, it would take years to get back to where I am now.

haha totally agree... it's more than just strands of keratin... it represents years of blood, sweat and tears. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was a respectably unrespectable mop of hair. Every hair tells its own story...

first you have to have the courage to step outside your comfort zone..

then you need the wherewithal to make it through the awkward, ear-length curly weirdness until it's long enough to weigh itself down into submission..

then you have to put up with the ridicule that your new look brings and stay true to the course.. eye on the prize.. never step down

actually, I'm just afraid that if I cut it, I'll lose my magic powers.

So yeah, cut it while you're able, Chef. Once you're past the point of no return.. there's... no return


Well-known member
Heh, yep. My hair is the source of my metal power. For every inch it grows, I become more metally. If I cut it off I would lose the ability to rock on guitar and start listening to pop music. :eek:


Well-known member
it depends. if you've got "knowledge lumps" on your head like some people do, then it might look a bit odd


Well-known member
What are "knowledge lumps"?

this maybe?


I've got lots of that kinda knowledge :]


Well-known member
Yes, but what shape is decent-shaped?

The last time I had my head shaved was in Marine Corps boot camp - but then I was always wearing my Gomer Pyle cap and black birth-control glasses - and nobody can pull that look off very well.


Well-known member
My hair is the source of my metal power. For every inch it grows, I become more metally. If I cut it off I would lose the ability to rock on guitar and start listening to pop music. :eek:

'Twas also my situation about 8-9 years ago. Alas, the Metal Gods did not share my vision of greatness, and smote my hair. But lo, I still carry the Metal Flame in mine heart, and I still shunneth pop music, and decry the foul disbelievers.



That's only a question you can answer yourself. I did it 3 times as of now but that's because I have Trichotillomania. Shaving my head was the only release from it until I found meds that worked. I'm a girl btw. My hair grows pretty fast so it didn't take it long to grow back. You feel weird after doing it and people may be surprised (more so if your a girl. not so much for a guy) then you feel fine and before you know it you have a head full of hair again. I'm glad I did it after I got my meds cuz now I have a full head with no bald or thinning spots.


Well-known member
yes,might try to leave a bit on top to see if you like,if you dont just buzz all.