Science or Religion.


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Well-known member
i pick neither (you didn't say i couldn't do that)

i don't think either one has all the answers

more importantly, i don't think there ARE answers to everything

the problem with having faith in science to be able to provide understanding of everything is that it can become just as rigid and dogmatic as any religious faith

There's a difference between faith and justified belief. Science has proven to be a reliable tool and so believing it will be in the future isn't faith.


Well-known member
I don't mean to offened anyone on this forum who is religious but science wins every time, it is based on facts and theories gained through observation, experiments and debates which can be proven by verifiable evidence. Religion isn't, it's just blind faith with no facts to back it. Don't get me wrong, you can be religious if you want. I've got nothing against people who are.

^lol:D I like this!

I was brought up brainwashed (with religion), but a couple of years ago switched to science for an explaination of most things. Now I can't believe I ever fell for religion!
It's amazing how much influence parents can have over their child's way of thinking.


False comparison and misguided question.

It seems common to maintain this confusion between science and logic/reasoning.

Neither science nor logical reasoning contradicts faith. As was just said many scientists are religious. Also just for the sake of example Descartes and Leibniz both reasoned the existence of God (though like most people who didn't rely on authentic religious resources they went astray with many other respects about God himself or the nature of creating.)

Faith is mistaken for believing in the unprovable, while faith does actually refer to believing in the unseen, yet it follows from logical reasoning and is supported by science.

Well said! They do not contradict each other, they do and must complement each other. Logic alone is not enough, faith alone is not enough.

I am not into any orthodox religion either though. But I think for example New Testament from Bible has a lot of wisdom.

Still a lot of religions how they are practiced today seem to me like a nonsense or fanatism, not a real faith that´s based on unselfishness and love.


Well-known member
I'm going to be rebellious also, and say both.

To me, science can explain how water gets hot, how babies are born, how rocks react to wind... but it doesn't offer any kind of explanation as to 'why' we are here. I am not overly religious, but I do believe in God and it is that, not science, that provides me with one of the purposes I have in life.

Sorry, I know you said not to pick both, but for me its impossible not to.

Science does offer an explanation to why we are here. Evolution. Don't be sorry. People seem to think that I am asking which is the end all be all. Or which gives us all the answers. I am not. I am asking what they prefer, or what kind of a person they are. Like, on a day to day basis, which one do they find themselves going to the most. When they are faced with challenges or what not. LOL. It's actually an intellectual test that I was given by a professor at a coffee house. How you answer the question is more important than the answer you give.
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Well-known member
I see!
Its an interesting question.
But evolution alone isn't enough to tell me why I'm here. Yes it makes me realise why my body is here, but not my mind, heart and soul :)

Yeah, and there are even other less orthodox scientific (or crackpot) theories about human origins. Like I said I am a Buddhist, but we don't really have a origin theory!! Some do, but we have faith, in the way things work, not how they started. :eek:


Well-known member
Yeah, I wish I believed in a creator. I don't believe there isn't, I just don't BELIEVE that there is, if that makes sense. ;)


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Well I am sorry that my question doesn't meet your approval.:rolleyes:
However I didn't want to find out If people were atheists or religious. Some people look to science to give them there answers, and go about their lives with the Idea that everything has a logical explanation. Others have faith, and believe that everything happens for a reason, god or whatever higher power has a plan, and all things flow from them. So I asked Science or Religion.
As misguided as that was.:rolleyes:
Science and religion don't usually attempt to answer the same questions, so I must agree that it doesn't make sense to ask people either/or.


Well-known member
Science and religion don't usually attempt to answer the same questions, so I must agree that it doesn't make sense to ask people either/or.

1. LOL. Are you kidding? Science and Religion are constantly at odds. LOL. They do attempt to answer the same things, in a rather combative manner actually. Creation vs. Evolution, Stem Cell research. There are a million instances where the two have been at odds. Look at the pope vs. Gallileo.

2. I didn't ask either/or, I asked what type of person are you? My first post did make it seem a little more rigid, but I have corrected that.

3. It makes plenty of sense to ask people either/or. When I first had this little test given to me, it was in a coffee shop, with about twenty people in it. We asked this question to every one including the employees. Most people have no problem whatsoever, instantly answering that question, in an either/or.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
1. LOL. Are you kidding? Science and Religion are constantly at odds. LOL. They do attempt to answer the same things, in a rather combative manner actually. Creation vs. Evolution, Stem Cell research. There are a million instances where the two have been at odds. Look at the pope vs. Gallileo.

2. I didn't ask either/or, I asked what type of person are you? My first post did make it seem a little more rigid, but I have corrected that.

3. It makes plenty of sense to ask people either/or. When I first had this little test given to me, it was in a coffee shop, with about twenty people in it. We asked this question to every one including the employees. Most people have no problem whatsoever, instantly answering that question, in an either/or.
I am familiar with history, thank you. The examples of religious people being opposed to scientific people are well known. But, evidently unlike yourself, the two concepts are not always in combat.

ETA: You are trying to create an even more drastic division in a topic that already divides people and leads to fighting and nasty things being side. Why?
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Well-known member
Science + spiritual philosophy. Both. There are facts we know, things we can theorize/hypothesize and then there are things with no answers and we can philosophize.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Eh, I don't know. I don't like the answers you get from religion. Science works for me. At least there is proof behind science.


Well-known member
I am familiar with history, thank you. The examples of religious people being opposed to scientific people are well known. But, evidently unlike yourself, the two concepts are not always in combat.

ETA: You are trying to create an even more drastic division in a topic that already divides people and leads to fighting and nasty things being side. Why?

Hey let's not single out religion. Science can be pretty nasty to religion too. I live next to a university, so a lot of my best friends over the years have been science majors. I have been in some pretty long and lively debates, where Christians have been raked over the coals and mocked by first year students.

I am always in combat? I am not sure I know what that means. I have no Idea how asking people which they lean on and prefer, is trying to create a more drastic division, in the topic. I haven't seen anybody blasting science, or religion. In fact I have seen a lot of people reluctantly pick one, because they like both. In the test, picking one with reluctance, means that you are intellectually open minded. I have seen that a lot on here, which doesn't suprise me at all.

Why? Well........I like topics like these. It helps you get to know people pretty well. How they think, and go about the world. In my original post I talked about how hard, bridging these two things can be. It can be very difficult, to talk to someone who is religious, about science, and vice versa. But I really didn't think, that would happen here, and it didn't. I asked that no one insult, or belittle, and for the most part no one did. I felt someone calling my question misguided, was belittling and condecending. But I didn't get mad, about it. I made this face :rolleyes: not this one :mad:.

But I went back and looked at my original post. To me it seemed pretty straightforward when I wrote it. But Looking at it, I could see how he could not like having to answer it, as it was pretty rigid sounding. I have seen some threads on here that were a lot more divisive than this one. There was a thread that actually asked us our political leanings. :eek:

I am sorry you don't like this thread. I was curious, and I remembered the "Intellectual Disposition Test" that Professor gave us, and the huge discussion the whole coffee shop got into about. It was fun and there was a lot of different outlooks and opinions. I thought that would be cool to do on here. If you are offended, again I am sorry.


Well-known member
as something of a Taoist, i prefer to eschew divisive categories, labels, and proclamations of "knowledge."

relying on scientific authority to tell you what to think is the same as relying on religious authority to tell you what to think

information written in a book - whether it's a bible or a physics text - is not reality

a finger pointing at the moon is not the moon

experience the world for yourself

as yourself


Well-known member
False comparison and misguided question.

It seems common to maintain this confusion between science and logic/reasoning.

Neither science nor logical reasoning contradicts faith. As was just said many scientists are religious. Also just for the sake of example Descartes and Leibniz both reasoned the existence of God (though like most people who didn't rely on authentic religious resources they went astray with many other respects about God himself or the nature of creating.)

Faith is mistaken for believing in the unprovable, while faith does actually refer to believing in the unseen, yet it follows from logical reasoning and is supported by science.

What contradicts both simple common sense and science is failing to answer who created life and/or this visible world and where did it come from. I know one of the posters above who do not care if it came from nothing by nothing, which is an example of common illogical standpoints and nonsense as far as logic is concerned. As to the rest, none does show interest in the answer, they just use science as an excuse for their false approaches of logic and their agnosticism and ignorance of the different religious premises existing, and they probably are ignorant of scientific premises itself.

If you also prefer to talk about Religion rather than Faith in general, you should make a proper distinction, because religions do significantly differ in many aspects, but most people tend to overlook this fact because they usually are ignorant of religions other than Christianity.

Wow. First off, what an arrogant response. Calling all the people who differ from you as ignorant was not very kind, nor open minded.

Secondly, there are scientists who are religious, but there are a LOT of them who are not. They would not agree with your premise that a creator is the only logical conclusion nor do I. But that doesn't mean I am going to call you ignorant. I don't even rule out a god, Christian or otherwise. I think that god is a possibility. But I have not come to any conclusion that I know exactly how the universe works yet. So I reserve my judgment. And I do not call Christians or Evolutionists or anybody else ignorant because of their veiws or beliefs.

Thirdly, what distinction should I have made. I said religion, implying all religions. I myself have already stated that I am Buddhist.


Well-known member
Religion unless science proves that god didn't create the universe. If did start with a big bang, there was obviously "something" that caused it.