scariest school assignment


Well-known member
Sorry I recently posted a thread not too long ago but have to start another one just to share this "fun" assignment.
1-Pick a partner
2-Pick a store and choose 50 random people to talk to and ask ten questions about where they came from and what they like to eat, etc.
3-Present to class

P.S- No grade! (It's to give us something to do since we won't have an official class that day)

Is this seriously an assignment?? .. too bad i'll have food poisoning for the next two weeks.. :D


Well-known member
So let me get this straight: you have to do all of this nightmarish crap for no grade??? Wow...

Well, if it's not part of your grade then just punk out on it. What's the point of putting yourself through all that misery if it's not even part of your grade and is just "to give you guys something to do"? That's just bs. Your teacher deserves a swift kick in the ass for this.


Well-known member
At first I thought it was a joke.... if this is true, I just can't believe it o.0

"Hey teacher, give me a 0 right now XD"


Well-known member
I think it could be fun, making up all kinds of crazy answers for your imaginary interviewees. I can pretty much guarantee the teacher isn't even going to look at it anyway..


Well-known member
Well, I guess, to the teachers and everyone else, speaking to people is no different than breathing. So, maybe, it's not a matter of being mean; instead, it's a matter of just not understanding that some people have a harder time than others.

That being said, skip out on it. I know I would since there's no repercussion for not doing it.

My scariest school assignment would have to be when I had to get up in front of my computer class in 11th grade and present a business idea. I wasn't good at business, and I'm still not, so the entire time I was FREAKING OUT! When the time finally came, I thought I had it, but my plan was so bad that my teacher laughed in my face and so did some of the kids in my class. That was so embarrassing and the stinger was that, later on, my teacher decided to drop the grade, meaning I humiliated myself for nothing. Well, it was a victory and a loss, I guess::eek::.


Well-known member
The worst part of doing my science degree is picking lab partners for prac classes. Everyone is expected to spontaneously pair up with one another. It never gets any easier. Each time I do it, it's the hardest thing ever. I am dry as a bone, even though I've drunk half a litre of water beforehand. I am mumbling, inarticulate, my voice is shaking, and I sometimes have trouble concentrating on the task at hand and following instructions.

Moreover, I am a tense-afraid procrastinator (i.e. the worst type of procrastination imaginable). This means that many times I am unprepared, making it even worse. I tell myself "well why don't you just prepare before class?" but this barely works. Each time I do uni related stuff (homework, class prep, etc), I think about uni and how nonexistent my social life is there, opening up the window for more negative thoughts to flow in, eventually causing me to distract myself with YouTube, the news, TV shows or some other thing.


Well-known member
Atleast you dont have to go around and take pictures of every staff member in the school for the yearbook staff section. err..well its not really an assignment but its something I have to do for the class. seriously im terrified,im going to have to walk into a class full of people and have them all stare at me while I take the teachers picture....


Well-known member
Atleast you dont have to go around and take pictures of every staff member in the school for the yearbook staff section. err..well its not really an assignment but its something I have to do for the class. seriously im terrified,im going to have to walk into a class full of people and have them all stare at me while I take the teachers picture....
^ That actually doesn't sound too bad... Then again, are these big classes we're talking about? The classes at my high school were really small, so that probably wouldn't have bothered me too much.

I was in yearbook for all my high school years. I'll admit, the first two years I didn't really care for it, it was just something to do. But once I got into my freshman year and started doing more and getting more involved with it (and I became an editor :)), it was fun! I never went around taking pictures though. :( Everyone else thought they had to hog the camera. But I did work on a lot of the pages and designs. God, I never thought I'd miss it so much, but I really do. I would LOVE to be in a yearbook club again. It also helps being friends with your adviser. :D She was superwoman, literally. She was, and still is, one of the nicest, busiest, hardest working people I have ever met.


Well-known member
At least you dont have to go around and take pictures of every staff member in the school for the yearbook staff section. err..well its not really an assignment but its something I have to do for the class. seriously im terrified,im going to have to walk into a class full of people and have them all stare at me while I take the teachers picture....

I can see how that would be horrible ::(:

It's especially bad when it's a bunch of young people. If it's just a few old asians, totally disinterested, heads buried in their textbooks, then it might be less nerve wracking. But the judgmental gaze of a young sociable person is like a bundle of white cold daggers being stabbed into your chest. And if they make a joke or some facetious remark, 5x worse. I personally, wouldn't know how to respond in a situation like that.


Well-known member
Oef, that is scary indeed.

Although, it would make a great CBT assignment:) Maybe you should look at it as a challenge. I had to do something like this in the past and the first person you ask questions to is definitely the hardest. But when you're at #30 you don't care anymore. Seriously. And when it's finished you'll feel great about yourself!


Well-known member
Why don't you just lie? Make up some imaginary people that you interviewed and write down some interesting reactions. Or just don't do it. It doesn't count, right?


Well-known member
I don't remember exactly what it was, but I remember that one of my teachers made something quite useless for our education and I was in significant disagreement with him... I don't know how, I've been always a coward rat, but I managed to go to talk to him in front of all the class and confronted him (not in an angry way, I always try to be polite). I was really nervous, I could feel my red face, I was sweating, but when I went back to my seat there was even a couple of people applauding, maybe the only time when I gained someone's respect.


Well-known member
She just sent an email and wants to make it an essay for ten lousy points. It's for geography class and I can't make up answers because i doubt whoever my partner would be would cool with that.. but it's worth asking....
Excuse me sir/miss i'm doing a survey for my geography class what country did you come from???? where you born here?? Oh and what are you buying at the store today and why?? x 50
Screw the ten points this is wayy awkward :(


Well-known member
Oef, that is scary indeed.

Although, it would make a great CBT assignment:) Maybe you should look at it as a challenge. I had to do something like this in the past and the first person you ask questions to is definitely the hardest. But when you're at #30 you don't care anymore. Seriously. And when it's finished you'll feel great about yourself!

True but already did a presentation this is pushing it :D i'm not sure maybe.. arr lol


Well-known member
Atleast you dont have to go around and take pictures of every staff member in the school for the yearbook staff section. err..well its not really an assignment but its something I have to do for the class. seriously im terrified,im going to have to walk into a class full of people and have them all stare at me while I take the teachers picture....

That sounds like fun because you can get out of class ::p: It seems uncomfortable when you have to interrupt the teacher though but taking pictures is fun!


Well-known member
The worst part of doing my science degree is picking lab partners for prac classes. Everyone is expected to spontaneously pair up with one another. It never gets any easier. Each time I do it, it's the hardest thing ever. I am dry as a bone, even though I've drunk half a litre of water beforehand. I am mumbling, inarticulate, my voice is shaking, and I sometimes have trouble concentrating on the task at hand and following instructions.

Moreover, I am a tense-afraid procrastinator (i.e. the worst type of procrastination imaginable). This means that many times I am unprepared, making it even worse. I tell myself "well why don't you just prepare before class?" but this barely works. Each time I do uni related stuff (homework, class prep, etc), I think about uni and how nonexistent my social life is there, opening up the window for more negative thoughts to flow in, eventually causing me to distract myself with YouTube, the news, TV shows or some other thing.

I do this too ::(: It would be easier to just have an assigned partner or none at all. I'm doing oceanography online and i don't have a lab partner. What can help sometimes is just asking whoever is nearest to you to be partners, that always doesn't work though. And yes YouTube,etc. is amazing.


Well-known member
A 50 minute long presentation. It wasn't so bad once I was doing it, but the panic the week beforehand making sure that I had enough to cover the time I had was a nightmare.

Woah was this for a speach class? For what subject? I think just thinking about it is the worst part and when its the actual thing it's not as bad i guess. :) Except one presentation for speach everything got echoey when the professor started asking questions and had to leave the room and come back >.>