rate the last film you watched

Yeah, it sort of always seemed like that though. Season one was just so awesome it always felt like the next would be like it, but it never was ::(: It did seem promising, looked like they were going in the same direction as the X-Men comics, with the "mutants" coming out. And X-men is always good.

What kept me watching after season 2 was the promise of some kind of epic conclusion at one point. Namely, the face-off between Sylar and Peter (which was actually foreshadowed in on of the episodes). All the way to the point where it just kept dragging on and on, and then they even neutered Peter's ability. Disappointing stuff.

But this time it really looked like they were turning the show around.


not actually Fiona Apple
TRON: Legacy - 8/10

I know nothing about TRON other than this movie, that being said I thought it was a very cool movie. The special effects and the settings itself was all very cool. The plot was pretty good too, looking back the end was sort of predictable but it's okay, still a good ending.

Oh, and it had Olivia Wilde in it :D


not actually Fiona Apple
^Just realized 7 other people have already rated TRON ::p: It anyone is curious, the SPW average ranking is 7.1/10, with one outlier at 4 and a "WTF??" I didn't know how to average in ::p:


Well-known member
Watched the concluding episodes of Season 1 of Burn Notice. A couple thoughts.

I'm starting to want to be Michael Westen really bad. Sometimes that happens to me with these type of characters. He's funny, charming, supremely confident all the time, very good-looking, very well-dressed, well spoken, never shy, great smile, great laugh, friendly, good person, good hair, perfect at his job, drives the perfect cars and oh yeah....he gets beautiful women in his life.

His only downfall was that he's not good at having intimate conversations and opening up his intimate feelings to women he loves. I'm not so sure how true that is because he delivered the best scene I've seen in the series when he tells Fiona that he loves her more than his ex. That dramatic moment was one of those moments where you just stop, stand up and applaud and say this is a great television show.

Looking forward to Season 2.
^Just realized 7 other people have already rated TRON ::p: It anyone is curious, the SPW average ranking is 7.1/10, with one outlier at 4 and a "WTF??" I didn't know how to average in ::p:

WTF?? tends to average between -73 and +0.47.

Was I the one who said that?? :D


Hie yer hence from me heath!
God Bless Ozzy Osbourne - 10/10

Finally got round to watching this documentary.

And it's worth watching, especially if you like rock/heavy metal music. Brought me to tears by the end of it, though. It's quite heartbreaking in parts. An emotional journey to say the least.


Well-known member
50/50: 7/10 stars

Did a great job of capturing the pain of being in pain, something I know all too well.


Well-known member
Went to see "The Artist" tonight and loved it! Very creative, unique movie. Bérénice Bejo is absolutely adorable, Jean Dujardin is smokin' hot, and Uggie the Jack Russell terrier steals the show!

I'd give it a 9 out of 10!


not actually Fiona Apple
Sherlock Holmes (2009) - 7.9/10

I liked it, it was enjoyable to watch. I thought they could have done more with it, but overall still good. I liked the ending specifically, I'll have to watch the sequel next.


Well-known member
I won't give it a rating because I only watched the first five minutes of A Good Old Fashioned Orgy. I immediately didn't like the movie and it was making me sick watching it.

Normally I like Sedakis but they had him dressed up in some country outfit with long hair, it just didn't fit him.

Sometimes I do this when I get the feeling that a movie is going to be terrible.


Well-known member
Commando: 6/10 stars

"Let some steam off, Bennett." One of those typical, predictable American action movies. Arnold makes these work somehow, even when they have the worst 80s music playing the entire movie with stupid one liners.

I've seen this movie now 3 times.


Sleepless in Seattle: 7/10 stars

Maybe the most famous chick flick in our Modern Era (Of course eliminating the old Casablanca). Must have been the 4th time I've seen it.

I believe Hanks and Meg Ryan were made for this movie, same thing with You've Got Mail. There is something about their personalities that owns the screen.

Although I'm a guy, I am like a woman in certain ways, and I do like myself a quality sappy love story half the time.
I've seen it before, but I re-watched Memento b/c my dad and sis had never seen it. It was great the first time around. I've heard that it isn't so great the second time b/c you know what is going on, but I forgot large chunks of it (imagine that!), so I was still on the edge of my seat the second time. 9/10


Well-known member
The Debt: 8/10 stars

Although Helen Mirren was over-advertised for this movie considering she "starred" through half the movie at best, this movie was very good.

An evil Nazi doctor responsible for gassing hundred of Jews in the Holocaust is kidnapped by 3 Jewish intelligence agents. The movie is based on what they do with the doctor throughout the next 30 years. Loved the plot and acting.

Friends With Benefits: 3/10 stars

This movie tried too hard and I thought the plot was boring. JT and Kuniz make too silly of a duo. The jokes were bad attempts at humor and also thought they tried too hard to make the movie updated.
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