Rant about the yearly 9/11 sadness


Well-known member
The fact is that the media don't want you to know what's really ging on out there and that is why big stories are pushed aside for more sensational and gossipy news stories.

I think this is just business, not (for the most part) some conspiracy.

Large news networks are businesses first and foremost, and they make money by giving people what they want, which for the most part is junk news.
I think this is just business, not (for the most part) some conspiracy.

Large news networks are businesses first and foremost, and they make money by giving people what they want, which for the most part is junk news.

It's also bad news. A whole lot of good news goes mostly or entirely unreported.


Well-known member
I think this is just business, not (for the most part) some conspiracy.

Large news networks are businesses first and foremost, and they make money by giving people what they want, which for the most part is junk news.


the "news" shows - like any other television shows - exist because the commercial advertisers buy time during that program with the hope that people will watch the advertisements

if the program isn't interesting, and people don't watch it, the advertisers won't buy any air time - the TV company won't make any money, and they won't pay the makers of the show

so the news has to be just as entertaining as anything else on television - or people won't watch it

or rather, people won't tune in to see the COMMERCIALS - which is the real programming after all

and what do the commercials have to tell us? that we're not good enough the way we are. that in order to be acceptable in society, we need to possess x, y, and z. they tell us this every 10-15 minutes, repeatedly, 24/7 year after year

no wonder we all feel like crap about ourselves

thanks - rant over


Well-known member
I don't mean to sound insensitive but while I do understand that it was a very tragic event and feel for the people who lost loved ones in the attacks, I'm sick of seeing people milk 9/11 for all it's worth and seeing sob stories about the American spirit ("Never forget!") everywhere. It's been 10 years. Maybe it's different for me because I'm not American.
I don't mean to sound insensitive but while I do understand that it was a very tragic event and feel for the people who lost loved ones in the attacks, I'm sick of seeing people milk 9/11 for all it's worth and seeing sob stories about the American spirit ("Never forget!") everywhere. It's been 10 years. Maybe it's different for me because I'm not American.

No, you aren't alone. It's difficult for those of us who are American.


Well-known member
i agree that it's played up to feel sad for those people every year.. but i think it's just played up in many ways.. it's how we choose to remember that day, i guess.

basically, i mean to say that yes, it would suck seeing it over and over if i had lost someone that day. but i would also want everyone to remember what i lost that day. i would never want this country and the less than humans responsible to forget what i was forced to sacrifice on 9/11..

also, i think it's most important to remember and honor the lives and heroes lost on that day, and i think the 9/11 memorial is pretty amazing at the honor part.. that place seems surreal, i would love to visit the pools/(fountains? lol) one day. i think it's nice that it's not always open to the public, it gives families and friends of the victims special time to spend there... i dunno, i was just really interested in the memorial so i googled it! lol :)


Well-known member
I think it's definetly overblown. We have military all over the world and we rub millions the wrong way. Its only a matter of time before somebody tries to attack us and one group of people got the one in a million lucky hit.

Their one lucky hit shouldn't change that much considering we're a nation of 300 million people. Thousands of people die by getting hit by lightning every year, but we don't all wear anti lightning suits and have couple weeks every year where news milks it for ratings.


Well-known member
Honestly if I hear one more american saying 9/11 was the worst thing to ever happen to the world just because it happened to them im going to lose it. Holocaust? no? Rwandan genocide? how bout cleasing of bosnian muslims?

Omg, have you actually heard an American say this? Oi vay, more reason for me to loathe being American. Like that's hard.


Well-known member
I agree and I also hate how they (the eleite) did it themselves, IMO, and yet potray it this way in the media.

Annoing when they say anyone who questions who did it and how it happened, is being "disrespectful" to the people who died. I dont see that. If anything, to me, it would be more respectful to seek the truth about it.

Its emotional bribary.

Just look at how the towers fell down.

And the pentagon, there are things to say it could have been a missile.
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Oh, I love living here. I just think we, as a whole society, have built up this believe that we are the best and the be all, end all of the world. I think we forget that there are billions of other people on this planet who are just as important as we are.


Well-known member
I see poople of all countries as fine!

(Not that there arn't bad people everywhere too)

But the governments are another thing. And my dislike for them as they are includes the US one. Just as much as my own UK one.
They are not the people.
OK some things might be OK. But there are other not OK things that go on that might not effect you in your country directly, or that are not seen.

Alot of people might say the US government controls the UK one too much.

I actually however think the theory that its more the other way round, quite possible. That since the "British empire" many places have still secretly been influenced/crontolled by the same eleite of the "British empire".

For example the Bushes are distant relatives of the UK royal family, and so are most other presidents.


Well-known member
yeah the 9/11 memorial is colosally enormous and elaborate... a shimmering, recessed, man-made lake with a square sinkhole, rimmed with plaques of 9/11 victims and first-responders, trees, etc... All this for what, about a thousand lives lost? and all they did for the 100-something thousand lost in the vietnam war was make a black wall with everyone's names on it. and even the veitnam memorial, dwarfed in scope as it is by the 9/11 memorial, was probably by most other countries' standards pretty elaborate.

where's the memorials for the millions of brutally butchered, raped, tortured, mutilated people in african wars? by our standards there should be massive monuments visible from space littering the whole african continent. we're a spoiled nation, and though i don't mean to shirk the ones who deserve to grieve over lost family members from 9/11, i have to say i agree with this thread - why are we still so sad and excessively mourning to this day?