yeah the 9/11 memorial is colosally enormous and elaborate... a shimmering, recessed, man-made lake with a square sinkhole, rimmed with plaques of 9/11 victims and first-responders, trees, etc... All this for what, about a thousand lives lost? and all they did for the 100-something thousand lost in the vietnam war was make a black wall with everyone's names on it. and even the veitnam memorial, dwarfed in scope as it is by the 9/11 memorial, was probably by most other countries' standards pretty elaborate.
where's the memorials for the millions of brutally butchered, raped, tortured, mutilated people in african wars? by our standards there should be massive monuments visible from space littering the whole african continent. we're a spoiled nation, and though i don't mean to shirk the ones who deserve to grieve over lost family members from 9/11, i have to say i agree with this thread - why are we still so sad and excessively mourning to this day?