Pregnant and S.P.

Hey everyone, I just found out over memorial day weekend that I'm pregnant! Right now I'm about 6 weeks. While I'm excited, I'm wondering if hormones will make my S.P. worse or bring about other problems. Any ladies out there been pregnant and on meds and have problems with Social phobia or anxiety?


Well-known member
First of all: congrats!

Pregnancy hormones can intensify most emotions; including feelings of anxiety or OCD habits-- but everyone is different.
It's best to try not to worry about it until it happens, I think.


Well-known member
Aw that's cool! I've never been pregnant, but know someone who got more scared watching scary movies more than usual. I guess you will probably be more emotional. Just stock up on milkshakes, chocolate, and pickles and all will be good.
Aw that's cool! I've never been pregnant, but know someone who got more scared watching scary movies more than usual. I guess you will probably be more emotional. Just stock up on milkshakes, chocolate, and pickles and all will be good.

I can say one said about movies..the news, stuff in the news scares me more then before..crazy world we live in.


Well-known member
I apologize that I can't answer your question, but I really just wanted to stop by and say, Congrats! :)


Well-known member
First off,CONGRATS!!!!

Second, I had to stop taking meds when i was pregnant with my son. But i was taking such amazing care of my body and taking tons of prenatal vitamins,only eating organic,etc...that i actually felt amazing while pregnant.

I still was socially anxious though. Being pregnant makes you the center of attention so I guess the bright side is you will get awesome amounts of practice at how to interact and handle nosey people;-)

Best of luck with your little bundle honey!! If you ever need someone to talk mommy stuff to, I'm here:D


Well-known member
Congratulations! I would speak to your doctor.

If it's a boy, call it Chips. If it's a girl, call it Fish. If you have twins, call them, Fish and Chips. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....


Well-known member
Congratulations on your new upcoming baby. :) I don't have any answers to anything, since I'm male, heh, but I wish you well with your new baby!