I voted today!
I hope for Romney!
Vote YES on Question 3 Massachusetts!
...er, I mean...ahem. Carry on.
I voted for Romney.The amount of media coverage that this gets here, you'd think that Oz was voting in it too
Well, I'm joking about voting - I'm from Australia.I am too. Obama is like the guy that'll tell a girl anything just to get laid!
I am too. Obama is like the guy that'll tell a girl anything just to get laid!
But.. but.. Romney will say something and then say the exact opposite the next day, over and over again. He's the worse flip flopper in history of mankind. He can't open his mouth without spewing out lies, he just throws out made up facts and pretends that they are backed up by studies that don't exist. A little fact checking on the last debates will show you that he just makes up stuff as he goes, he doesn't have a honest bone in his body...
I'm not saying that Obama is perfect, I don't even like him, but Romney is worse corrupted liar who doesn't care about anyone but himself and the 1%. He has binders of women damn!
Voting is compulsory in Australia.Voting? Who votes anymore?
Voting is compulsory in Australia.
When you go to vote, you have to get your name marked off from this massive book that contains everyone's names within your city council, I believe.how do they do that?
I'm worried about my 12 yr old s future. We've seen what Obama's done to the economy, plus he's a socialist, not a Democrat as he would have millions believe.
I wish I hadn't said a damned thing!I voted because I want the right to bitch and moan for the next four years, no matter who is elected. If you don't vote, you shouldn't get to complain. That's my belief.
I won't say who I voted for, but for those of you who know we well enough, you probably won't have to guess who.