Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
F*** one of my school buddies is talking about suicide and I'm freaking out! He's not replying to any of my texts and I don't know what to do! I even posted a warning on facebook and no one's doing or saying s***!! Godd***** people!!!


Well-known member
^ Thank you so much. That really helps.

We're texting right now and I think I'm getting through to him. He takes a while to reply though and that time in between really makes me break out in a sweat. I feel like things are going to be okay though... thank you again. Your support really does mean a lot to me.

Little Miss Muffet

Well-known member
Things are unraveling in both my jobs now. have to quit one. Saturday was a really good day- talking was easy it wasnt an effort. Yesterday talking was so difficult- i could feel in my throat it was difficult. At the nursing home the residents kept speaking to me and I began to answer but just couldnt finish so I left half what I was saying unfinished.

It feels like theres nothing real - just my family, if they werent here thered be no point.

At work today when people go into the office they say hello to everyone - i did it today - but its not me- im not comfortable doing it. I started hoovering but i had tears running down my face. I went to the loo and came back when it stopped. I came back to hoover and the tears started again. Just dont want to face anybody - this all feels so fake, I feel im trying to be someone im not. Whaen i was trying to hoover just thought about starving myself- i used to think if i look anorexic people will leave me alone. I cant do it i just think - i dont want to talk- i dont want to talk


Does anyone else feel self-conscious eating a banana because of certain sexual connotations (and appearances)? Haha. I'm not joking. Whenever I eat one in public I make sure I break pieces off of it instead of just eat it from the peel because...... you know........... lol.


Well-known member
Does anyone else feel self-conscious eating a banana because of certain sexual connotations (and appearances)? Haha. I'm not joking. Whenever I eat one in public I make sure I break pieces off of it instead of just eat it from the peel because...... you know........... lol.

i do that too...unless i'm eating one in front of my husband...then i eat it normal just to be suggestive;)


i don't know:confused: i just feel really low today and completely isolated. yet,i'm at work...surrounded by people.

Aww, I'm sorry. I don't think that's uncommon though, feeling isolated even when you're not physically alone. You seem to have a really strong personality though, I'm guessing you'll bounce back soon :)

i do that too...unless i'm eating one in front of my husband...then i eat it normal just to be suggestive;)

Hehehehehe. Well of COURSE :D


Well-known member
You two have dirty minds.

How do you think us blokes go on eating
bananas in public.
'Yes I'm eating a banana and no it's not a come on'


Well-known member
Now now,
This conversation could construde as to 'adult' for
a forum about social phobias. Surley social phobics would never use such visual inuendos in public :D


Well-known member
What about when eating ice cream? guys look funny at me and i can't enjoy my damn ice cream when eating without making it look sexual:D