It's early afternoon, and yawning, tired am i
I wonder if it's due to the full moon, up high
But i shall try to write a poem, i shall try
It's something to do, for when there's nothing to do
And also for when i am feeling a tad blue
Having some coffee & choc, tiredness to subdue
Perhaps to my blood-sugar levels, they'll come through?
Ants like choc too, tho "hyperantivity" does ensue
(The above line is a bit too long, but it will do)
The coffee & choc has caused some "under-arm dew"
But the afternoon i am, quite well, getting through
Though still nothing's going on .. hey, wake up, yoo-hoo!
Let's get the ball rolling .. 'but i've nothing to do!'
Writing poetry can work, but for only so long
Before i get restless, and maybe long for some song
Or maybe, if i could get one, a "hit from the bong"
In times gone past, i would probably play with my dong
But usually i go outside & listen to birdsong
Or listen to zen music, say, with bells that go "GONG!"
I probably should watch movies, i have one, "King Kong"
Or i could play a sport, my favorite is ping-pong
Or get back into programming, did it all day long
Day's "had it", and it's not even 6 o'clock
I feel like i've reached a big wall, made of rock
Saw duck fly off .. returned later with a squawk
I took hen to meet duck, but they avoided eye-contact
But what did i really expect? For them to sit & yak?
Had days of rain, the ground is sodden
Within my house i have been stuck in
Been outside a bit, with the sun shining, today
But inside my head, I must wait for a better day
Until then, it's crisps, crackers, choc, beer - a junk buffet!
Just tryin to get thru the night
Doing anything is alright
Just a couple hours to kill
Have to find things for time to fill
To get the day to piss the f*ck off
I'd even be prepared to j*rk-off
Could do with a bit more "cheer"
'Well, drink another f*cking beer'
The full moon, below a dark cloud, is yellow
Booze and black sabbath is making me mellow
Well the day has ended
(PiP, Poetry in Progress ... < SUSPENDED >)