Post your picture thread


Well-known member
webcam (I keep it covered because I get paranoid about people being able to see me ::eek::)

You are most definitely not the only one! It feels silly but just better. I have a piece of paper folded over it. :rolleyes:
And I'd have to agree with every one else, you do look very pretty!


Well-known member
Punkrotten, you have all really nice facial features going for ya'
Lovin' the dark eyebrows too.

lunatic, loving the messy hair as well :)


not actually Fiona Apple
Exposure training ::eek:: Little scared to be recognised so probably ill take em down later...
You a very good looking dude, from a dude's point of view ;)

did my hair
Very pretty you are :)

Got up and about at least today but spent most of my time laying on the sofa and pratting about on the laptop. I peeled the sticky tape off my webcam (I keep it covered because I get paranoid about people being able to see me )
Very pretty,as always :)

Real me, not a studio picture this time.
Very nice

[Insert Loony's Pic]
You have eyes!?! You look way different then you do with the glasses, In a good way (more mature and cool looking I think).


Well-known member
Malady, even when you're miserable, you still look great!! OoO

Miss Amy, Lunatic and that blond guy :D, looking good too!!

PunkRotten, you totally remind me of a friend of mine!! :)

AntiMatter, what does it mean you would 'tap dat'? lol


Well-known member
You all look great.

I've been meaning to post my picture since i joined this website, '04 (ish, i dunno, it was a long time ago) (I had another account before this one which i forgot the log-in details to)

I always come onto this thread and I'm like "I'll do it tomorrow" Always pushing it aside.

I'll try face my fear by posting my pic...

tomorrow ::p:
I really abhor taking pictures of myself... so, only a few do exist. But, I decided to snap one of myself for this thread. I apologize for the semi-crappy quality, too. It was taken with a webcam.
