Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Mikey just means that your username is appropiate, given the photo that you posted. Am assumin' ye were askin' the meanin' o' the word "apt"?

So... what's the problem? Oh, right, the people starin'... :eek:mg: Ah take it ye didnae want that tae happen tae yer hair? :question: Just askin'...

Ha.. I like it, I just don´t want people to look at me! And now I deleted it from here!
This is me:


You look like a very kind soul, don't know, you show emotion.

Nice photo


Well-known member
Mikey just means that your username is appropiate, given the photo that you posted. Am assumin' ye were askin' the meanin' o' the word "apt"?

Oh ok xD. Really? thanks Mikey :) i thought i was more like an ugly kinda guy given that i usually drive a lot of people away, i dont really get aproached too much like never, maybe is just a good picture xD, but oh well... thanks man.


Well-known member
Me, at work, looking awesome. Easy to see I don't talk to the customers, and why I am trying to lose weight.



Well-known member
Oh ok xD. Really? thanks Mikey :) i thought i was more like an ugly kinda guy given that i usually drive a lot of people away, i dont really get aproached too much like never, maybe is just a good picture xD, but oh well... thanks man.
Graeme's right. I meant that your username fits your picture. :) It's a compliment, haha.


Well-known member
Mostly woodworking, but also some metal work. I am leaning on the cnc plasma cutter, the plasma cutter's power supply behind me. We do have mig, arc, spot, oxy-acetylene welders, and I would love to lay my dirty paws on a TIG welder. And I haven't yet managed forge welding, but that is only because I don't have enough time for blacksmithing. And I've got a comprehensive set of sheetmetal machines, as well as a good engineering shop. But we mostly do woodworking and got all the machines for that.

He who dies with the most toys win.


Well-known member
Hi Neardeath. (sounds creepy, doesn't it)

4th time on this forum tonight, I really have to get a life.


Well-known member
Hi Neardeath. (sounds creepy, doesn't it)

4th time on this forum tonight, I really have to get a life.

Ha, me too, but it helps!

And it does sound creeepy, but;

1. there isn't an option to change username, (is there)? I have looked, because I was pretty down & out when I got here in January.

2. on the other hand, I need to remember that I am living on the edge, or I tend not to do things to enhance my recovery.

Have a great weekend!