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Well-known member
dpr said:
lol that is hilarious! my cat lies in the sink all the time! what is it with cats and sinks? i guess they just like small places?

and why do they always sit down on the newspaper when you're reading it?
Hehe, I don't know why but it seems like most cats have a thing for sinks! Maybe the curvy shape is comfy for them, like a recliner chair or something?! :lol: And yeah, my kitty sits on anything I'm reading, even on the keyboard of my laptop! :roll:

sleepysparrow said:
me and my son:

I love this pic! You and your little boy are both gorgeous :D


Well-known member
princess_haru said:
Hehe, I don't know why but it seems like most cats have a thing for sinks! Maybe the curvy shape is comfy for them, like a recliner chair or something?! :lol: And yeah, my kitty sits on anything I'm reading, even on the keyboard of my laptop! :roll:

lol mine too

These pics of cats have got me to thinking.

I love my cat so much. I consider her a friend and not only that but a part of the family.

Sometimes I feel like she's my only friend, or at least the only one who truly loves me and that (in my mind) can do no wrong to me.

When a family cat dies it is always tragic. Everyone mourns and cries. The house just isn't the same. It seems empty.

Cats (and dogs and any animals really) can have this profound effect on us humans.... and they don't talk at all.... EVER!

So maybe there's hope for us mutes yet, eh?


Well-known member
Happy Birthday to your son Sleepysparrow! he's adorable.

good observations dpr, we lost a dog a couple of years ago, and my dad cried more over her death than he did his own aunt.


princess_haru said:
Hehe, I don't know why but it seems like most cats have a thing for sinks! Maybe the curvy shape is comfy for them, like a recliner chair or something?! :lol: And yeah, my kitty sits on anything I'm reading, even on the keyboard of my laptop! :roll:

Ditto.. my cat always seems to walk all over my sink,toilet and bath after ive scrubbed it spotless :x Im sure she goes playing in the mud on purpose beforehand aswell.I dont think they find it comfy... i swear they do it on purpose lol.."ill teach the bastard not to give me whiskers food" :lol: Same with when they sit on things...if im in bed trying to read she will always plonk her arse on the book

And theres nothing worse than loosing a pet,this might sound kinda cold but i didnt even cry when a friend was killed recently,but i think i would blub like a baby if my cat died.I actualy think the last time i cried in about 3 years is when i had to give away my dog because i wasnt allowed pets at my new flat :( .

I think its maybe because there around all the time and show us unconditional love,your never really alone if you have a pet which i think is important to us social phobes.
These are the family cats. My sister brought Nasty Cat home and she was pregnant so now we have like 5 cats.

This is Nasty Cat. Yes, Nasty Cat is her real name. ( I named her. lol)



This is Time Bandit


This is Bear

This is Bear next to Time Bandit's ass. lol
Chod77 said:
These are the family cats. I really don't like cats but my sister brought Nasty Cat home and she was pregnant so now we have like 5 cats.

This is Nasty Cat. Yes, Nasty Cat is her real name. ( I named her. lol)



This is Time Bandit


This is Bear

This is Bear next to Time Bandit's ass. lol

Your cats used to look good to me, but now I find them simply irrestible.
dpr said:
TheWall said:
This is my cat Blueberry. l

LOL aww blueberry is cute as a button fer sure!

this is my cat, Gravy! both food names, weird! she is half-siamese so she's a little bit evil/mental...



Your cat looks like my cats! Mine are also part Siamese. lol


Well-known member
Cute cats everyone! Have you noticed that most people here are cat lovers? I wonder if there's a link between social phobia and that? :roll:

Loosing a pet is indeed like loosing a member of a family. In 2003 our beloved cat died. It was very upsetting as she really was part of the family and she was always there sitting on my lap. She was the last of the third generation of the same family of cats we owned. I wish our current cats were as affectionate as she was, they just eat their food and go about their business.


Active member
recluse said:
Cute cats everyone! Have you noticed that most people here are cat lovers? I wonder if there's a link between social phobia and that? :roll:

Nope! I hate those damn things...

...nah, I love 'em.


Active member
recluse said:
Cute cats everyone! Have you noticed that most people here are cat lovers? I wonder if there's a link between social phobia and that? :roll:

Maybe, although people in general mostly like cats. I love cats too. In general I don't feel shy at all around animals. In fact, I'm happy to go right up to them and pet them, and talk to them. I've noticed a lot of other people here also feel comfortable around animals. Sometimes I feel embarrassed or angry if an animal tries to bite my hand or something, but even then it doesn't bother me for long, whereas I can never get over those feelings when I have a bad interaction with people. It's weird that one's ability to interact with animals would be so different from one's ability to interact with people. That even goes for young children--I feel almost as shy around them as I do around adults.