Well-known member
I seem to have forgotten how to show the image.
This thread is turning into something strange...
Why do I feel the urge to show post-op photos?
This thread is not helping my disliking of feet AT ALL.
This is me in SF. I am the one in the red.
do you think it'd be ok if i show my vasectomy scars?
Have not visited this site for a while. Thought i'd show my face to all the new people.
This is me in SF. I am the one in the red.
Damn, that looks very painful!Check out my arm from dislocating me shoulder twice!!!
Damn, that looks very painful!
is that your sisters on the other end?
they're cute
(you're pretty good-looking, too)
Gunners long time no see! you're very handsome, dashing even!
Thank you. I stopped using SPW because i was addicted to it. I just use mibbit now. You should drop by some time.
I cant atm because my computers in storage and android doesnt seem to be mibbit compatible. I just use the forum and the spw facebook. Dunno when Ill be back
hopefully wont be for too long
We've had people come into the clinic where I work with dislocated shoulders, and I cringe at the sound of them cringing! It must be excruciatingly painful! There was one guy who they had to do conscious sedation on and couldn't get his shoulder to pop back in. They ended up putting his arm in a sling and it popped right back in on it's own - go figure! Another guy was cussing like a sailor when he came in but was all smiles once that shoulder was back in place!The only really painful part was popping her back in, not just once but twice lol. Uhhhhhhhh, I still cringe just remembering the popping sound
We've had people come into the clinic where I work with dislocated shoulders, and I cringe at the sound of them cringing! It must be excruciatingly painful! There was one guy who they had to do conscious sedation on and couldn't get his shoulder to pop back in. They ended up putting his arm in a sling and it popped right back in on it's own - go figure! Another guy was cussing like a sailor when he came in but was all smiles once that shoulder was back in place!