Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Malice you are so adorable-hope you don't hate being called that LOL I love the way you edit your photos. like your icons are fantastic. I like to edit mine too but they never look that great-how do you do that so well? Oh and glad to see you back again. :)

Lyracil you look sweet -great photos!

Anti Matter is kinda cute. :p


Well-known member

Random photo is random.

Woo I look like a douche.

Yay for beardness.

looking good man, liking the beard a lot.

I don't have much pictures of myself but here's a few:


This was like.. 2 months ago I think?

this might sound strange but I really like the way your hair is layered, it's a very nice style too.
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Well-known member
You really look very pretty.

My image of you was always conflicted in my mind, from your username I had the image of a quite gothic and demonic person, and from your posts a really sweet person, although that doesn't always transfer to looks.

Glad I'll finally be able to sleep at night ::p:

Thank you Pebbles :)

Hahaha you shouldn't let the pictures fool you. I can be pretty dark and morbid, especially when it comes to my demented sense of humor. I actually used to be sort of gothic but my fashion sense has changed to a much more lighter *girlier* look since then. Now I'm just a shy little weirdo :D

Good thing I changed old avatar with the hands coming out of the girl's mouth, otherwise you'd probably still be having trouble sleeping at night ::p:
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Well-known member
Thanks vj288 and IGotSeoul. :)

They're just 3D glasses I took home. Push the lenses out and they make great face decorations.