coyote: I hope this isn't an exposure therapy program where you reveal one part of your body at a time....
mountaingirl: My sister and I are only cute together if you don't have to listen to us.

Oh, and I should have mentioned that those ponies are some of the "
famous" wild ponies/horses on the island. And it still amazes me when people talk to them like pets. Especially when someone stops in the middle of the road right next to a younger stallion who is trying to separate an older male from his mares....
telepathine: Thanks. :

: I'm actually going on another weekend-long camping trip in September with some friends at an as-yet-undisclosed location. And I'm sure my family would let you stick around. Just make sure you can come across as sweet and vulnerable without seeming like you're strung out on crack and bat @#$% crazy, since we do live near Camden....
latte: While it's nice to see your entire face, I'm not sure which pic I prefer. Yes, you're pretty. But the pic with the cup seems to have more going on in it. And it leads to questions. What's she drinking? Is it still hot? Is she hiding something? From something? See? Questions.... Oh, choices....
EnigmatiConduit: You posted as I was typing, and I'd hate for you to think I was leaving you out. You have very pretty eyes. But what's that on your head?