Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Here we are this me just took it now


And heres an older one :lol:



Well-known member
Hahaha that's so funny!!! And you're really cute! You look so young, how hold are you?

scissorhands said:
Hy Redribbons I see you live in Toronto. If you see me around say hello! :)!!

This is me:


Here's a comic strip I drew, not really a photo but t might entertain a fw :)


Well-known member
I also love taking pictures.

Below is one of my favorite: A picture of my younger sister

It was taken at the front door of our living room
using a negative photo effect

Just like to share it with you all :D



Well-known member
Beautiful AngelsTears85. When i was 17 or 18 I went to Auckland. My mate and his friends are all Maori and his like alright tommy man wait till you see all the hot chicks in NZ. So im like yeh alright cool. We went to a shopping mall somewere so he could show me all these "hot chicks", I hardly saw any.

And where he lived, near mangere or manger or something, (i stayed with him), I seen not alot apart from gang members and ugly tattoed girls, probably also gang members :lol:

I felt like saying look man to be honest im not such a big fan of Auckland and the chicks suck, haha but I held it back. Must have missed you ! ;)


Well-known member
Awwww thanx :oops:

Oh yea yip I know where you mean...yea there are a lot of gang members up them wayz...

LMAO yea I don't like Auckland and don't know bout the chicks as I've never looked...And am glad I don't live


Me having another crappy Valentines day... haha

This one I took one day from the porch... haha always a rainbow after the storm..

This one I just thought was kinda cute... haha


Well-known member
There's so many gorgeous people!! Angeltears you're so pretty, you remind me of a littile pixie and I mean that in a good way! 4seaons, why do you feel like an idiot? your hair looks good and so do you!

I've posted in another thread but since I got attacked in that one, here's some different ones of moi...

They're all from the same little road trip I went on to work at a tattoo convention.

(Left, short hair)



This is my "blue steel" or "magnum" look :p


Our marker pen knuckle tattoos, i'm Pusy Katt :D



Well-known member
Meow, nice pics. lol I like the pen knuckle tattoos. lol.. Dinosaur wins though. :p

Everyone on here is so lovely.


Well-known member
Meow - For some reason I think I look small in that pic, I'm actually 6'2 so that might change how old I look.. lol
how old are you? I saw some of your pics in another thead at a tattoo convention. That's awesome you're into that. I love tattoos. I only have one but I'm getting a second soon.


wow you guys are really gutsy and all so gorgeous......i am to affraid i would be nnoticed on here :oops:

meow: i just have to say you look really funky........i have tattoos myself but am so paranoid about them i always think ppl look at them and hate them of think i am some sort of try hard

you look really confident :D


Well-known member
Ahh ok, thank you. I think I've changed my mind though, I'm worried someone may recongnise me. May change my mind again though knowing me lol

That happened to me a few years or so ago on this forum. Someone (i cant remember who now, it was one of them instant message things, not a permanent message) sent me a message saying oh waoh your so and so from so and so. Recognised me from another forum, a forum were which is local and often we all meet up ! :lol:

I was in a bit of shock to be honest I just though GREAT ! Got over it though. Having SP dosnt have to be hidden, and certainly nothing to be ashamed of.

She might still be here even reading this for all I know I cant remember her username !