Post your picture thread


Well-known member
"I guess I apologize for upsetting you however just because I
apologize to you, does not mean I am wrong."

PRECIOUS.... you call THAT an apology? That's the most pathetic apology anyone has ever given me. You're not sorry at all, so don't pretend you are it's just dumb.

Redribbons is indeed very gorgeous, I was inclined to PM her and tell her so since I had ran out of posts, plus... that kittie picture is too cute!

Haha Jus, come on now! :wink:


Well-known member
Not sure if I've already posted in this one, but what the hell. Let's see how long I can keep this one up.



Well-known member
Here's a recent one of me

Just finished the living nightmare of University. I never thought I would make it. Towards the end I was taking blood pressure pills every day I had classes because I was having heart palpitations and everything related. I completely flaked on a presentation worth 30% of one class mark in the last week and got my marks back a week ago and somehow still got a B in the class, and overall am graduating on the Dean's honour roll, so the whole thing is definately a victory for myself. I got through by putting in my headphones and burrying my head in my sketchbook in the backs of the classes. Anyway I am glad it is over and hoping to make some major changes to get away from SAD.

edit; removed


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I 'm sure I won't leave this up for long once I decide how stupid it was for me to put a picture, but for now maybe? I guess. Weird picture with red eyes, and I kind of purposely made it so you cannot see my face. Well here's me :? :


I don't know why you say you don't look good. To be perfectly honest you're pretty great looking in this picture and also in your avatar =) You look very pretty =)


Well-known member
Wow wonderful pic Psychedelicious and sissorhand. I am glad to know I am not the only one who is parnoid about posting my pic online. I am good at putting up pic of landscape and stuff but when It comes to my own pic I never do that. Heck iam alwayse the one holding the camera anyway.


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I 'm sure I won't leave this up for long once I decide how stupid it was for me to put a picture, but for now maybe? I guess. Weird picture with red eyes, and I kind of purposely made it so you cannot see my face. Well here's me :? :

You don't need to hide your face, trust me....I'm not just saying that either.


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I 'm sure I won't leave this up for long once I decide how stupid it was for me to put a picture, but for now maybe? I guess. Weird picture with red eyes, and I kind of purposely made it so you cannot see my face. Well here's me :? :



Well-known member
Nic pic. Some how because of the sound of your name I alwayse pictured you as a reggae looking signer with the dredlocks and sitting on the beach. But honestly if I saw you on the steet I never would of guest that you had any sort of issues.


Active member
Re: My Pictures

MissJess said:
Here are a few of me
what do you think :?:



omg wow how could you be anxious? you're extremely attractive, im sure you could get any guy you wanted.


Well-known member
Actualy zeke24 you would be supprised at how many on these sites look like modles and yet they still struggle. I bet you could past as a model your self zeke. Lots of attractive members on here but they say their looks hasn't help them one bit. If anything it just brings them more attention.


Well-known member
Yeh its hard for people that dont look like they have anything the matter with them because more is expected of them from others.


Well-known member
Being attractive does not neccessarily mean that the person is happy. Happiness comes from within.


Well-known member
I seriously don't understand why people think that good looks make it impossible to suffer from anxiety, depression and whatnot. Are you guys serious?


Well-known member
Sacrament said:
I seriously don't understand why people think that good looks make it impossible to suffer from anxiety, depression and whatnot. Are you guys serious?

Even the psyche stuff is surprised that someone with beautiful looks
is not supposed to have self-esteem problems.

For me is much surprisingly the common belief that social phobia is in coleration with high inteligence.

Anyone could be f*word-ed up under a certain circumstances.

Even a dumbest person on earth lol