Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Re: agro

Prescious said:
Hello prescious maby you have agrophobia and not social anxiety?
Hi Tampa I have both because when I do go outside, I get really nervous
my heart kind of beats fast, I think that everybody is watching me,
I think that everybody is judging me, I think that everybody is talking
about me so then I stay home. I go outside when I go to work which
I dread. But I only work once in a while. But when I do work or when
I do go outside, these are the symptoms I experience. And then
I am also agoraphobic because I stay home alot and I refuse to go
outside except only when absolutely necessary. I'm also diagnosed
Bipolar with BDD too

Uh, yeah there's a difference in SA and agoraphobia.

If you look up the definition of SA, it won't say that you can't leave your house. I go to restaurants sometimes too. It doesn't change all the thoughts and worries I have when people look at me. Sometimes I love shopping but there's dread and fear no matter where I go. It is easier to stay home but I'm not agoraphobic. For you to underestimate the severity of someone else's SA is offensive to people.

I don't understand SA'ers who hate hate hate being judged.....yet they do it to other people.


New member
Prescious, how on earth can you judge if someone has SA or not by a simple picture?! That's unbelievable to me. Really it is. So you say Meow is way too pretty to have SA. What exactly do people with SA look like? I wasn't aware there was a certain look. I'm sure you do not like being judged so why are you doing it to other people? You asked Meow what her agenda was here. But I'd like to know what exactly is YOUR agenda here? Most people come to this site to ask advice or share their stories, not to start stuff with other people. So why are you here?


Well-known member
I get judged all the time for how I look and I hate it. People think that because you have pretty packaging everything else should be amazing and you should be this happy confident person with no problems. Being pretty doesn't protect you from harm or change the way you have learned to react to things. Ive been told Im pretty but it doesn't take the inner pain away. How awful for you to judge people in that way.

I think maybe you shoulld look at that opinion again but Im guessing what has happened is that you would like to be beautiful and feel your not and think that if you were everything in your life would be fine because you would have more confidence etc..if you were thinkinf this dont be fooled as being beautiful doesn't give you a direct pass to happiness it's appreciating your own inner beauty that makes you happy


Well-known member
See, this is what it should be about on here. Open minded people that are here to HELP and ask for help. Not to attack. I haven't attacked anyone, and I don't understand how she could feel I had some sort of agenda because of the way I look.

There's a huge difference between SA and agoraphobia, and like it's been said nowhere does it say people with SA can't leave the house and do things? Precious, have you been officially diagnosed by a doctor? We're all here to work on our problems, not just you.

Thanks to everyone for their great responses. I can't think too clearly when I'm upset.

Jellybean i'm sorry it happens to you also, I do believe the way someone looks has nothing to do with having SA or any other illnesses, unelss it's an illness ABOUT the way they look.
It definitely doesn't take away the inner pain, and it feels horrible when someone expects you to be a certain way. This is the last place I thought it would happen. My childhood wasn't any less abusive because I was "pretty" it doesn't take away all my demons and every aspect of my life and what's inside me that has brought me to this point.


Active member
I told you that I have both SA and Agoraphobia. When you have SA,
yes you can go outside but when you do, it is very uncomfortable for
you to do so. But in anycase I think this is getting pointless and
I guess I apologize for upsetting you however just because I
apologize to you, does not mean I am wrong. But anyways I
am sorry for upsetting you so please forgive me and let's move
on. And I am not attacking you but if you think I was, then I am
sorry so let's move on. And jellybean, thanks for your comment
Meow said:
See, this is what it should be about on here. Open minded people that are here to HELP and ask for help. Not to attack. I haven't attacked anyone, and I don't understand how she could feel I had some sort of agenda because of the way I look.

There's a huge difference between SA and agoraphobia, and like it's been said nowhere does it say people with SA can't leave the house and do things? Precious, have you been officially diagnosed by a doctor? We're all here to work on our problems, not just you.

Thanks to everyone for their great responses. I can't think too clearly when I'm upset.

Jellybean i'm sorry it happens to you also, I do believe the way someone looks has nothing to do with having SA or any other illnesses, unelss it's an illness ABOUT the way they look.
It definitely doesn't take away the inner pain, and it feels horrible when someone expects you to be a certain way. This is the last place I thought it would happen. My childhood wasn't any less abusive because I was "pretty" it doesn't take away all my demons and every aspect of my life and what's inside me that has brought me to this point.


Well-known member
Precious. Stop spamming this thread with your judgments. Post pictures. A lot of people with SOCIAL ANXIETY who can go out and function fairly well have been dealing with social anxiety for a long time. It becomes second nature, and just another typical day.

Not everyone is by the book SA. And to say SA can even be "by the book". Everyone is unique, and responds uniquely to situations. There is no clear definition of SA. :roll:

Anyway. Here's some more pics..

I'm the one with blonde in my hair, and I'm hanging out with people! :)

A Toronto street! :) Yonge to be exact!


Well-known member
p.s. you guys are lovely! :) lol meow you have so many cats. I love it! I also looooooove cats. I think I said that in my first post.

This is my cat.. (she lives at my parents though)

And I got another cat, but only a couple days ago, so I haven't got any pictures of him uploaded onto my computar yet. >_< soon though! I took the most cute one earlier today. :)


Well-known member
Jeez Precious. There are varying degrees of SA, you know (or, well, it seems you actually don't know). Yes, on the more extreme end, people with SA may not be able to leave their house at all while on the other end it may only be in certain situations were where people with SA feel uncomfortable. Either way, it's clear that people on whatever end of the "SA spectrum" have their own personal issues and anxieties to deal with. It's not appropriate at all to judge someone by a photo thinking you can tell by their looks whether they have SA or not.


Active member
RedRibbons I think you should leave me alone because I already
apologized to meow already and this topic is done. You are the
one that is bringing it back to life. Forget about it! I said I was
sorry so why are you bringing this conversation back to life?
If you think it is spam you are the one spamming because
I already squashed this topic already. I apologized so why
are you spamming by bringing it back to life? You need to
forget about this and leave me alone. I can't afford for
my blood pressure to go up nor for my SA to
worsen because of this back and forth nonsense so
I will not be back in this introduction thread
You guys can continue talking about this topic all you want
but I'm out a here.
Go back to the main topic of showing
your pictures. You guys are on your own I'm out a here
RedRibbons said:
Precious. Stop spamming this thread with your judgments. Post pictures. A lot of people with SOCIAL ANXIETY who can go out and function fairly well have been dealing with social anxiety for a long time. It becomes second nature, and just another typical day.

Not everyone is by the book SA. And to say SA can even be "by the book". Everyone is unique, and responds uniquely to situations. There is no clear definition of SA. :roll:

Anyway. Here's some more pics..

I'm the one with blonde in my hair, and I'm hanging out with people! :)

A Toronto street! :) Yonge to be exact!


Well-known member
original post your pic

Wow I forgot there was 2 post your picture tread. I am going to have to transfer my pic to this one.


Well-known member

Ok Well Here is a view of my self. Take a quick look cause I wont leave it up for long. I am rarely in my pic cause I am alwayse the one holding the camera but this time the extroverted co-workers that draged me to the parade forced me to be in at least one photo.



Well-known member
Prescious, seriously who the hell do you think you are? How rude!
That first thing that you said to meow was totally out of order. SA effects different people differently!!
If you think that you can tell so much about somebody from a photograph, then I think you need to open your eyes a little wider! Come-on you have SA you should know that things aren't always what they seem... :wink:
I can leave the house, but I have extreme SA..I have good days and bad days..sometimes I just think f**k it and do whatever I want, others I can't even look at another person.

Just think about what you say before you say it, yeah :roll:


Meow you're gorgeous! :eek: :D I love your hair lol

Ok, here are my random pics...

My eye:


Me hidden and blurred so you can't see me face..probably the best pic I have!

I did this for an arty farty project, but never got round to doing the project in the end..lazy?, me? nooo.. :oops: :wink:



Well-known member
i cant cause my camera is broken :(

see :p

the stupid lens was stuck open so it wouldnt take pictures.... so i opened it up to 'fix it'. Lets just say i got a few spare parts now :)

RedRibbons said:
rofl. thanks. have you posted any pics yet... jus? :?:


Well-known member
Re: pic

Ok Well Here is a view of my self. Take a quick look cause I wont leave it up for long. I am rarely in my pic cause I am alwayse the one holding the camera but this time the extroverted co-workers that draged me to the parade forced me to be in at least one photo.


Which one is you?


Well-known member
jus said:
i cant cause my camera is broken :(

see :p

the stupid lens was stuck open so it wouldnt take pictures.... so i opened it up to 'fix it'. Lets just say i got a few spare parts now :)

Hehe this is funny excuse :D
And what about that N80 you made this hehe