Post a picture of your shoes!


Well-known member
I'm not very fashionable.




Well-known member
I'm not very fashionable.

(pics of two different shoes)

At least you have two pairs of shoes. I have a pair of sneakers and a pair of black boots that aren't comfortable at all, which I only wear when it's snowy and icy. Though lately I've just been wearing flip flops.

So I guess leave the fashion to the fashionistas?



Well-known member
^ hey man I started this thread and I also have one pair of shoes and boots.

It's not the quantity, but the quality. I appreciate a good-looking shoe. Someone here could have just one pair of shoes but it might just be the most mindblowingly awesome shoe anyone's ever seen. Nahmean?


Well-known member
I get where you're coming from, it's just that.... well.... umm....

*quickly looks to the side*

Hey, what kind of bird was that?

*wanders off in pursuit of the "bird"*

My shoes are all pack away at the moment so I can't take a picture of them, but this stock photo will do.

Disco Shoes!


Well-known member
I like red shoes and I like the little hook-like little pattern on it, I get so many compliments everywhere I go in them, they're kewlll ::p:



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Well-known member
They're dirty cause of paint, but it's impossible to get it out of the shoes, so I'll upload a picture one of these days without shame !


Well-known member
I'd vote for communism just to see some real 'change'. Maybe it WOULD be for the better? We're certainly not getting any better with the way things have been..


Well-known member
^^ you like the little hook pattern on them? do you like communism? lol.. either way, i dig the shoes, too!! :)

Lol no I did that for a laugh. I am not a communist.

I just googled communist shoes and thought it looks pretty cool, although I wouldn't wear with my bf's Che Quevera T - shirt.