Play an instrument?


Well-known member
Does anyone placate themselves by playing an instrument somewhat regularly? I have a keyboard and I never took lessons so I just make my own stuff up or play by ear to music on my itunes or youtube. I've tried to teach myself how to read sheet music but I could just never be determined enough to figure out a second language lol.

I think playing music gives me great pleasure. Almost like a high every time. Kind of like the after-sex high, or runner's high. lol.

Here's me playing something that might seem dark/gothic/depressing I came up with. I typically spend like 15-30 minutes every day or every other day playing around on the keyboard and I recorded a bunch of my random stuff when I felt ready...and if you don't have Facebook, don't worry it's not that great of a video anyway. Just something I enjoy doing.

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tried violin, really hard. Instead moved to the easier, my opinion, dark side. Tried the six string electric guitar. Both of which ended horribly with 'I need an instructor to continue.' Really enjoy violin music. (Itzhak Perlman: Schindler's List).

And to those who say work is an excuse to get out of practise, in my world money is king. You bet it's an excuse.


Staff member
Been playing guitar for years now, been in bands and all that as a singer songwriter, can play bass and some keyboard too, cannot for the life of me play drums though!


Well-known member
Started with electric guitar. I've since acquired an electric bass guitar, several more guitars, a violin (no motivation to improve!), a mandolin, a keyboard, and a harmonica. I'd love to get some drums, but I don't think the neighbors would appreciate it too much. Cursed twin homes.

I have some pics up of one of my guitars and my Marshall amp head here. And as much as I'd love to keep amassing an entire musical arsenal, unemployment and not being in a band keeps me from the terror watch list.

Yep. You remind me of myself fit.
I too just play by ear and have had no lessons. Well, I played violin in 4th grade, but I don't remember anything lol. Then I had a keyboard I liked to play for a while, and finally moved to guitar. I can play drums somewhat as well.
I've never gotten around to buying an amp though. I just don't have the funds.
YouTube - Guitar Jam Practice
That's me making up a melody and trying to play along with it. Since I don't know the scales or notes, I make lots of mistakes. It's always nice to play though, and like you said music does feel like you're on a high. It's just too bad it always fades when the music stops.


Well-known member
^ dude that is so awesome. Seriously that kind of creativity makes me happy. And it's true the high dies down as soon as the music

I do the same thing as you. I made this beat and then played it while playing along with it lol
YouTube - western electronica
Oh man I loved that.
At least you're brasin (have the guts. What this isn't a word anymore?) enough to show your face though. I hardly ever like to show my face in my vids.
This makes me want to get a new keyboard though, or a synthesizer. I've always loved effects.
Very cool. We should start a band. The only thing for me though is I always forget what I just played.


Well-known member
Yeah if you weren't halfway across the country I'd say sure let's start a band lol I think the word is brazen, for having guts. I don't mind showing my face on camera, I just don't like looking at it or talking into it. I want to sell my keyboard and get a real synthesizer...or a keytar. Those are awesome.
brazen! That's it. lol thank you. I'm pretty bad at spelling.
Yeah, instead of focusing my money on equipment, I usually just spend time playing rock band and buying songs.
I figure I'll never be able to learn enough, and money is too tight, so I just never save up.


Well-known member
I was almost inspired to post a video for this thread today.

But I plugged into my Marshall for the first time in a while and just kept playing. I didn't get the video camera out. Then it was time for dinner, and now it's too late to play loud.

And we don't really need another video of a whitish guitar being played, do we?


New member
Yep, play guitar..its one of the only things that can really calm me down..people always tell me i should join a band......akward social phob girl on stage...i dont think so!!


Well-known member
^ haha post up some video or something :)

yeah I could never be on stage or anything either. I'd love to be in a band,


Well-known member
Okay, I just fired up the camera and recorded something. It sounds and looks like crap, but it's better than the file being of a better quality and huge. My playing isn't worth that much bandwidth. :rolleyes:

This is a riff I birthed when trying to put Lord Byron's "She Walks in Beauty" to music. Unfortunately the camera made my Marshall sound like a can of bees. But enough talk.

YouTube - Beauty


Well-known member
You guys are great! i love playing on my ukulele havent got round to making any vids yet though
Okay, I just fired up the camera and recorded something. It sounds and looks like crap, but it's better than the file being of a better quality and huge. My playing isn't worth that much bandwidth. :rolleyes:

This is a riff I birthed when trying to put Lord Byron's "She Walks in Beauty" to music. Unfortunately the camera made my Marshall sound like a can of bees. But enough talk.

YouTube - Beauty

Yeah nice chords for sure. Actually, what's the tab for that? I want to play it, but also know if my fingers can stretch that far doing that 3rd chord!
Alright! Thanks for the tab!
I'm gonna go try that out here in the morning.
Also, Type O is one of my favorite bands. Any influences by them is a good thing! RIP Peter Steele.