Pix that make you laugh :)


Well-known member
Just don't call him the Z word anymore



Poor Zel.... Link. Poor little green Link with his yellow hair and minute stature. Being called a girl's name probably makes the guy feel emasculated.




^Dude, if he was allowed a chainsaw, the game would have been so much easier!

Enough Zelda. How about... Mario Bros? This might be a little bit (or a lot) awful, but it made me laugh.


LOL! We are all going straight to hell. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

:D I do the 20th Century Fox song all the time. And the baby thing... that reminded me of when my cousin and her husband told the family years ago that they were trying to get pregnant and all I could think was, "Why did you have to tell me that? Now all I'm going to be able to do is imagine you guys having sex all the time."
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Well-known member
"Why did you have to tell me that? Now all I'm going to be able to do is imagine you guys having sex all the time."

My teacher did that in 8th grade . She would tell the class like everyday. "I'm trying to get pregnant, we try like everyday nothing is working." Can you imagine a bunch of 13-14 year olds like O_O What he heck. But she eventually did get preggers.
Ok I can't stop laughing right now so here's some pics that made me die*


If I ever have the chance to have children, and my kid turns out to be a velociraptor, I'm gonna be so happy.

Like imagine, teaching it its first steps, to talk (okay, scratch that), help it practice its motorskills, to hunt scientific researchers on a deserted island.