Picking up Women


Well-known member
I met a girl six months ago but we lost contact. However, I randomly found her profile on Facebook, friended her and sent her a message. We have been chatting for a few weeks and yesterday I asked her if she would like to meet up to study at the library with me but I didn't put any pressure on her. I told her that she should feel free to say no. She said that it sounds like a really nice idea and that she would like to meet up next Wednesday. I gave her my number and she is going to text me on the Wednesday after work to tell me when she's ready.


Well-known member
I met a girl six months ago but we lost contact. However, I randomly found her profile on Facebook, friended her and sent her a message. We have been chatting for a few weeks and yesterday I asked her if she would like to meet up to study at the library with me but I didn't put any pressure on her. I told her that she should feel free to say no. She said that it sounds like a really nice idea and that she would like to meet up next Wednesday. I gave her my number and she is going to text me on the Wednesday after work to tell me when she's ready.

Good Job!!


Well-known member
I met a girl six months ago but we lost contact. However, I randomly found her profile on Facebook, friended her and sent her a message. We have been chatting for a few weeks and yesterday I asked her if she would like to meet up to study at the library with me but I didn't put any pressure on her. I told her that she should feel free to say no. She said that it sounds like a really nice idea and that she would like to meet up next Wednesday. I gave her my number and she is going to text me on the Wednesday after work to tell me when she's ready.



Active member
I met a girl six months ago but we lost contact. However, I randomly found her profile on Facebook, friended her and sent her a message. We have been chatting for a few weeks and yesterday I asked her if she would like to meet up to study at the library with me but I didn't put any pressure on her. I told her that she should feel free to say no. She said that it sounds like a really nice idea and that she would like to meet up next Wednesday. I gave her my number and she is going to text me on the Wednesday after work to tell me when she's ready.

Congrats. Hope it goes well.


Well-known member
I met a girl six months ago but we lost contact. However, I randomly found her profile on Facebook, friended her and sent her a message. We have been chatting for a few weeks and yesterday I asked her if she would like to meet up to study at the library with me but I didn't put any pressure on her. I told her that she should feel free to say no. She said that it sounds like a really nice idea and that she would like to meet up next Wednesday. I gave her my number and she is going to text me on the Wednesday after work to tell me when she's ready.

That's wonderful! Gosh, it seems like a lot of my favorite people are having better luck this year. :)
I met a girl six months ago but we lost contact. However, I randomly found her profile on Facebook, friended her and sent her a message. We have been chatting for a few weeks and yesterday I asked her if she would like to meet up to study at the library with me but I didn't put any pressure on her. I told her that she should feel free to say no. She said that it sounds like a really nice idea and that she would like to meet up next Wednesday. I gave her my number and she is going to text me on the Wednesday after work to tell me when she's ready.


That's great T, can't wait to hear the follow up :)
The art of picking up women is a total mystery to most of us men :kickingmyself:. I always found the most painless approach was meeting them thru a mutual friend. Aside from that I used to meet girls at parties before I stopped going out in public. I found it much easier to get the courage up to make a move when I'd had quite a bit of scotch. But always remember the worst they can do is turn you down.
For some reason that is terrifying! "Hi, I'm thinking of giving you my heart". Girl takes heart and smashes it in a million pieces.

Yes it is terrifying. I think it will be for many generations to come as well. It's never easy but the man that says he has never been nervous about approaching and conversing with a girl needs to contact me as I have a bridge to sell him!


Well-known member
I'm usually clueless when a guy does and my friends have to tell me afterwards... so I never act on it because I think they're being nice so I'm a little naive when it comes to noticing that sorta stuff.

If you like someone you can start on facebook and chat with them like that.
If you can try to be friendly, and if they reject you then who cares, there's plenty of people out there... but I don't think a library is a good place to pick up people, that's not why people go to libraries...


Active member
I met a girl six months ago but we lost contact. However, I randomly found her profile on Facebook, friended her and sent her a message. We have been chatting for a few weeks and yesterday I asked her if she would like to meet up to study at the library with me but I didn't put any pressure on her. I told her that she should feel free to say no. She said that it sounds like a really nice idea and that she would like to meet up next Wednesday. I gave her my number and she is going to text me on the Wednesday after work to tell me when she's ready.

This is it emre, your time has come.


Well-known member
Evolution is trying to weed me out. I don't blame it, I agree. I have no plans on reproducing. I just want to love and be loved. Is that so much to ask from nature?


Don't think so. :sad:

I think the picking up thing only works for people who don't even have to think about it (macho macho men). Whenever a guy approaches me I can't help but blush, it's horrible. Even had to change my supermarket because I couldn't stand to see the check out guy anymore (though he was really really nice and cute 0_o ).

The guys that made me the least uncomfortable, though, are those that don't have a pick up line but that seem kind of uncomfortable and shy about it themselves. So basically, you being slyightly awkward might not be so bad, at least it's honest and sometimes it can be cute :)