Personality Test Results


Well-known member
Wow... Based on the characteristics you listed there... I must be ISFP without a doubt. I'm sure I have some positives to add to that list, but everything listed can be matched with my personality.

Lol, pretty crappy.


Nope from all the tests I took, I always got INTP. It's quite accurate though I'm not sure about the jobs recommended by it... But yeah, I question EVERYTHING, to the point of getting on my bf's nerves sometimes. :D

Heh, you should have your boyfriend take the test. I hear INTP like us are best paired up with ENTJ or ESTJ.


Well-known member
question 33 was a definite nooooo


You are:
very expressed introvert

moderately expressed sensing personality

slightly expressed thinking personality

slightly expressed judging personality

welll, im in the company of clint eastwood and greta garbo- so it can't be too bad!


Well-known member
ISFJ - Protectors
Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging

You are:

* slightly expressed introvert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* slightly expressed feeling personality
* moderately expressed judging personality

Mother Teresa, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Stewart, and Tsar Nicholas II are examples of Protector Guardian style.

Wasn't sure what any of it meant at first. But then after reading the description of ISFJ it became pretty clear, and sounds about like how I am. lul


Hey guys, I just did one of those online personality tests. You know the famous Myers Briggs ones. Anyway below is my result. The thing that confused me though, is that how do I know if this is my 'personality' or just my SA, as this is not how I truly see myself!!


Introverted (I) 76.19% Extroverted (E) 23.81%
Sensing (S) 55.17% Intuitive (N) 44.83%
Feeling (F) 69.7% Thinking (T) 30.3%
Perceiving (P) 68.57% Judging (J) 31.43%

Characteristics (supposedly these are pos and neg, but I can't see any good ones haha:)

disorganized, timid, prone to discouragement, socially uncomfortable, does not like leadership, suggestible, not self confident, not aggressive, lower energy, fearful, anxious, easily distracted, prone to discontentment, guarded, not confrontational, prone to longing for a stabilizing relationship, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, easily disturbed, fears drawing attention to self, prone to confusion, private, second guesses self, prone to quitting, underachiever, fears rejection in relationships, emotionally moody, prone to sadness, dislikes change, indecisive, modest, doubting, prone to laziness

There are many characteristics for Myers Briggs types online, you didn´t seem to pick up the best one. I´ve seen this page before too and thought it was rather primitive and judgmental, written by someone who has probably similar problems himself. Btw. here is the full list for every type:

Pou?ívá technologii Dokumenty Google

I found something better for ISFP and :eek:, it is all me :eek:.

ISFP - Introverted Feeling with Sensing


Well-known member
Just tested and that link doesn't work so here's my results:
"Your Type is: ISTJ
Introverted - 89%
Sensing - 12%
Thinking - 50%
Judging - 56%
You are:
very expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed thinking personality
moderately expressed judging personality".


Active member
I got ISTJ too.

Introverted - 33%
Sensing - 12%
Thinking - 25%
Judging - 11%

You are:
moderately expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed thinking personality
slightly expressed judging personality


Well-known member

Introverted: 89
Sensing: 1
Thinking: 38
Perceiving: 22

# very expressed introvert
# slightly expressed sensing personality
# moderately expressed thinking personality
# slightly expressed perceiving personality