
Staff member
I don't get it either, you have good days and bad days (or weeks), you cannot be some happy jolly person frolicking around with a spring in your step 24/7.

I think it good to have a self pity moan once in a while and people on here be sympathetic and at the same time give you a kick up the arse (translated from british english: motivate you) :)


Well-known member
I can see where the direction is at Satine but banning people beyond trolls/spams and the usual is counter productive for a self help site, and says alot about the methods in use.

That depends on how you define trolling. A troll is somebody who disrupts a forum. Pavlina is for people to move forward, to better themselves. It is clear from BlueRose's posts that she had no intention of doing so. Depression may be a big factor in that, but one has to wonder why she joined a forum for people to better themselves if all she was going to do was come up with reasons why she shouldn't. And that is what she did.

Cutting off "depressive" people to save members the time of reading a little (which is by choice anyway) is as effective as ignoring such problems (depression) exist in life, which looks like is the idea, to minimise negative thoughts prehaps.

No, it is not. Different forums have different foci. This one is for SA, another might be to help people learn how to grow vegetables, another might be for critiquing ameteur prose and poetry. To have someone come in and start their own (very different) agenda disrupts the direction of the forum and ruins it for the people coming for specialist knowledge. Either a newcomer obeys the rules (which are there for BlueRose to read, and they do cover the way she behaved over there) or doesn't join in the first place. There are forums for depression if that's what she wanted.

Then again I cannot be bothered to check out the posts or forum personally. Self help books and their authors direction is usually aimed at one thing only, $$$.

The members there are supportive of eachother and keen to pass on knowledge, which kind of renders Steve's book redundant.

For you maybe, everyone is at a different stage and on different roads. Sometimes simply discussing it is remedy enough.

Discussion should point the way to truth. BlueRose did not make use of the extra information given to her in the discussions she started. She only wanted to moan. It didn't seem to do any good.

A site that encourages a positive mindset is really good, but I think it's ultimately silly for a mental health forum to try to prevent and ban people who whine or complain. It shows a lack of understanding on how everyone deals with anxiety and depression and its hypocritical. I wonder where the people on that site go to whine? It's not exactly an all-encompassing support forum when you have to go somewhere else just because you are at that point in the cycle where encouragement does absolutely nothing.

That said, there is still responsibility on the individual to manage their mental state, at least to a degree. BlueRose admitted at one point that one of her moaning responses had been ill-judged. If she knows she tends to do this, why not just... not reply? It's within any person's capability to not respond to something, and if she knows it'll help in the long run to stay schtumm, then why not, until she feels in a more constructive mood?

For as long as BlueRose insists there's nothing that can be done in her situation (and her words on Pavlina pretty much amount to saying that), then what is the benefit in joining Pavlina?


Active member
Wow, ive been a fan of Steve Pavlina's site and mp3s. I found him on the net because he was into raw veganism : )

Im so sorry that he wrote that to you! It was very insensitive and also hurtful.

I remember when he came up with the Polygamory experiment and that made me at odds with him.


Well-known member
Oh dear... I looked at this site you mentioned and almost laughed.

"Personal Development for Smart People"

What the fu...?
But, despite that, the preface seems very intriguing, for lack of a better word. They're pretty much promoting a lifestyle or state of mind that is the polar opposite of self-pity. I'm not surprised that they were angry, but I think banning you was going a bit far. A warning surely would've been enough...

Overall, I agree with Satine.


Well-known member
I was on a support website called pavlina and I just want to tell you that I'm never going back to that sight because they banned me without a warning and on top of that, they sent me an e-mailed message that was so shocking and devastating. What they wrote on that message was very insulting and disrespectfull. If I did or said something inappropriate, they should bring it to my attention more mildly. Messages like that could cause people like myself to have a nervous breakdown or worse. Luckily I was able to deal with it and just never return to that site. It shows that the pavlina's are cold and careless. I don't know WHY they have a supportive website, the members their are not very supportive, they're mostly critical and judgemental. I quoted the message at the bottom from my e-mail to show you how despicable they are..:mad:

Jesus! I can appreciate how blunt they are because I actually prefer blunt people but this e-mail is absolutely callous! There is a difference between being honest and blunt and being a complete d***. I understand if they don't want someone throwing themselves pity parties because it can bring everyone down, but that's just not the way you treat people who need understanding and kindness the most. When people are rude or mean to me I use that behavior as an example of how not to treat people. They're probably trying to be tough but they of all people should know better! I'm sorry that they sent you that nasty e-mail.


Well-known member
I still don't think they should make that type of remark.. If I caused too much drama in any case I should be informed more mildly or they should tone it down.. A remark like that could have a bad effect on people like myself as I stated on my last post.

yes, I agree. Above all they need to understand that SA or no SA people have different styles of confrontation. Some people are direct, some people are indirect and others avoid it. It's a question of respect. Every human deserves to be treated with some simple respect.